Wednesday, December 20, 2023


HOSHIAR SINGH YADAV WRITER: नीम:                नीम (मेलिया अजाडिरक्टा या अजाडिरेक्टा इंडिका) भारतीय मूल का पौधा मिलता खूब देश विदेश सदाबहार पौधा कहाए नहीं करता किसी...

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Crochetemoda Blog: Quimono de Crochê

Crochetemoda Blog: Quimono de Crochê:

2805: Potpourri Friday #46

Kathputaly (Puppets) and Kathputaly Nagar. I visited Kathputalinagar, the poorest of all the slums in Jaipur. After a high-stress ride on the narrow rickshaw of jaipur city(which is smaller and uncomfortable as compared with the ones we have in Hisar),we (my sis and me) arrived. As i have to select the slums out of those i used to visit,it was important to understand exactly where these slums are located। Kathputalinagar sits across from Jaipur s statuesque parliament building, separated by some shops and a short field that doubles as a massive latrine।
balmiki Nagar.Slum When my sis and I arrived the children there guessed we are looking somebody’s help to fallow the slum.we asked the name of the headman of the slum. They escorted us like crazed groupies. We fallow the kids on streets.... mostly just alleys with loose slabs of stone which act as stepping blocks over garbage and rivers of sewage water. It is devastating in a way that makes you want to run away but at the same time compels you to look.They told us they will go to Japan with some Japanese people. Later i came to know that the loose slabs over the sewage water were provided by Japanese Govt under the provision of drinking water and sewage system in the slum. Any how, these children with a group with hands on shoulders of their companions were a wonderful reminder that innocence is a sacred and universal gift. And they ended us at the door of a Doctor (which was the Headman of the slum). We collected basic information of the slum, but not selected as my study area. Thus ended up my journey of Kathputaly Nagar. But i selected the adjusent slum balmiki Nagar. xoxo

Thursday, August 24, 2023

बुई का पौधा

HOSHIAR SINGH YADAV WRITER: बुई ********************************* ***********...: बुई ********************************* ********************************* **************************************** इरवा जवानिका ********...

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

My grandmother's influence in my life…

There are two sides to my personality, the ambitious side that is driven to stand out and make a difference in the world, and the private side, which is shy, introverted, and socially awkward. Some words about my private side, and the influence of the most important person in my life Time Capsule: I had the rare opportunity - my grandmother. As a child to spend hundreds of hours with my Grandmother, Sama Kaur. Together we explored the Hills and Tibbas near our village Kharkari Makhwan ,Bhiwani, Haryana, collecting herbs, grazinging our cattles , and watching wildlife. .Grandma Sama Kaur taught me about native plants and their uses, igniting a passion for nature that has inspired me ever since. She also sparked my interest in survival skills. I was born in Puna, Maharastra in 1952 to CH Surajmal and Savitri, the eldest of five kids. As a child, our family traveled back to our native village Kharkari Makhwan , Bhiwani, Haryana every summer to be close to the extended family. I spent most of that time with my grandma Sama Kaur. She lived outside of Kharkari village, in a Manison along green fields, or "Charies," (adjacent fields)as we called it. Grandma Sama Kaur cooked on an antique, wood-fired cooks-tove colloquially known as chulhaa in Haryana,India. Every day she chopped and hauled fire-wood (jandi tree), cut them in small pieces with her hand, filled the corner of Manison’s small kitchen, and started the fire to cook, previously we did’nt have any kitchen in our Manison. Later my father built a small kitchen between one of the Baarjaa (Balcony)of our MansionVaranda. The cookstove didn't hold a fire for long, so every meal began with the ritual of crumpling Bhushaa(dried grass,bui,khrsana,daab etc), laying in the corner of small kitchen corner , and lighting it with hot cow-dung cake. She didn't use any axe to cut small pieces of jandi twigs; she used her hands, to cut dried pruned jandi tree into small pieces…………Grandma SmaaKaur also made tea in the dawn. She made real tea using Asaam,s Tea leaves (unprocessed)my father used to brought for her in bulk (bagfull of kattaie jute bags) and very concenterated milk of our data- singi (very big horns) and big udder buffalloe . She made tea that started with our walks though the charris and the woods along tibba slope adjusant r our Mansion to defecate . The walks were important to her, probably more important than anything else, and I cannot recall more than a few rare occasions that she didn't go walking. Along the way, we often picked herbs for tea - herbs such as Tulsi, lemon grass , blue violets, red clover, or rose hips and some other…I did’nt recall now will write later on . We brought these herbs home and dried them on malmal cloth(muslin), then stored them in terra- cotta handies /kulhadis (terra-cota pots ) in the obra (inner room). She had an amazing collection of herbs, and I don't think she ever started the kitchen fire in the morning without also making a pot of herbal tea. I grew up on Grandma's tea. ...... rest is in the next....... xoxo

Sunday, August 20, 2023

गुलगुले (मीठे पकोड़े)

चीनी और गेहूं के आटे के मीठे पकोड़े हरियाणा में तीज पर सुहाली, गुलगुले बनाना परम्परा का हिस्सा है..... सामग्री: गेहूं का आटा (आटा) - 250 ग्राम गुड - 100 ग्राम पानी 1 कप सौंफ़ (Saunf) - 1 / 2 tsp तेल - तलने के लिए दही / दही - 2 त्स्प\ बनाने का तरीका: एक कटोरी पानी में गुड मिक्स करें और रात भर के लिए रख दें , ताकि सुबह तक यह पिघल जाएँ। अब गेहूं का आटा और गुड का पानी अच्छी तरह मिक्स करें । 5 मिनट के लिए मिश्रण को मिक्स करें ताकि, गुलगुले फुले हुए और नरम बनें। एक घंटे के लिए खमीर विकसित करने के लिए अलग रखें। एक पैन में तेल गर्म करें . मिश्रण में सौंफ अच्छी तरह मिलाएं . तैयार मिश्रण का १-१ चम्मच गर्म तेल में डालती जाएँ और एक मिनट बाद पलटें, दोनों तरफ से सुनहरा भूरे रंग होने तक तलें। आप गुलगुले देसी घी में भी तल सकते हैं. Bone appetite!

How to sew fabric boxes tutorial // sewing fabric boxes diy

Friday, August 18, 2023

Teej or Haryali Teej is a seasonal festival falling on Sawan Sudi 3 (beginning of August). The rainy season starts gathering momentum near about the said date and trees withered away by the scorching spell of summer put forth tender and green leaves. To celebrate the change of season, the girls eagerly-wait for Teej. It is an occasion for the newly married girls to go back to their parents for celebrating first Teej with their girl friends. On Teej, bevies of young girls attired in their best clothes and wearing new multi-coloured glass bangles start pouring in some open space or a tree-grove near the pond and it takes the form of a fair.( Haalaanki ab johad nirjan ho gye hain aur un ke kinaaare lge ped kaat diye gya hain )Stout swings are hung from the trees for the girls to swing. They swing with agility and sing songs. An example of Teej song is given below: सामण आया हे मां मेरी रंग भरिया रे हे री हरि बरसेंगें मुसळधार, बादल गरज्या हे मां मेरी जोर का री (Sravana has come, oh mother, with colourful and enchanting weather, the God will beless us with torrential rains, as the sky is overcast with thunderous clouds.) Another song: मीठी तो कर दे री मां कोथली जांगा बेबे के देश पपैया रे बोल्या पीपली (Oh mother, add sweets to the gifts to be presented to my sister. I will go to my sister’s home, as the bird papaya, has announced the onset of Sravana.) The humour, pathos and passions contained in these songs are really touching. The in-laws of the girl send gifts(colloqually known as sindhaaraa) of ornaments, clothes and sweets and parents also give gifts (colloqually known as kothly) when married girls go back to their in-laws. हरियाली तीज में सुनिए🌹सावन आया हे मां मेरी रंग भरा #सावन #संगीत #...
What does this picture of Rehana have to do with this post? Nothing. I just think she's adorably cute and wanted to share!! :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Maximize the colour in your home

The color of our homes plays an important role in our lives, perhaps more than we know. In feng shui - the ancient art of arranging colors, furniture and structures to best maximize energy and prosperity - it is believed that colors can strongly influence chi (or energy) for better or worse. The interplay of light with color has a lot to do with the way energy is either absorbed or reflected from it. In general, feng shui promulgates using certain colors in certain rooms. One of my dear friend’s daughter just came article, we will provide some basic tips you can use to maximize chi in your home through the use of color. If you follow the below tips, you should notice a difference in the quality of your energy, your mood, your household relations and maybe even your finances. It’s amazing what a few tins of paint or some colorful decor can do! Colors play a significant factor in altering our moods and well-being. A beautifully decorated room can do wonders for our health, finances, relationships and energy. • Use softer colors in bedrooms, such as beige, tan, cream, ivory, peach and light green. These help us rest easier. • Avoid strong colors in the bedroom, such as orange and red. • Earth colors are best for kitchens. These include brown, green, orange and yellow. • Avoid using blue in your home. It is a water color and can make people feel cold and introspective. If you love blue and want it in your home, it is best left to a meditation room, and in dark shades such as indigo and violet at that. • To make small rooms appear larger, use light and pastel colors. The opposite is true of the colors red, yellow and blue, which make rooms appear smaller. • Use red to stimulate activity and provide energy. A room need not be painted entirely in red. The addition of red decor is sufficient enough. • Lighter colors on your ceiling are better than darker colors. Chi circulates better when your ceilings are light in color. • It is best to start designing a room one color at a time. Choose the dominant color first, usually the color that the walls and ceilings are painted. Next, the colors for the carpet and furnishings should be chosen. Finally, a third color in the way of decor can be selected that harmonizes or compliments the first two colors. • Use orange colors to where people convene and talk. It is also a good choice for a study. • Yellow is an uplifting color and good for studies or where a lot of creative activities take place. Use it sparingly though, as too much of it can cause over-stimulation. • Green is a great color and can be used in any room where relaxation takes place. It is in the middle of the color spectrum and promotes healing, peaceful thoughts and tranquility. Green plants scattered throughout the home are a wonderful way to use green. • Black is considered to be associated with money in feng shui but should be used sparingly, as it absorbs all other colors and does not strongly promote the flow of chi. Black can make a magnificent decorative statement when used in reason, especially in bathrooms, living rooms and hallways. • Avoid too much of the same color. If your walls, ceiling and decor are all the same color the results will probably be bland and not stimulating. • In rooms that need stimulation, instead of painting an entire room a yang color like red or orange, try using decorative items that have yang colors. • Imaginative use of light in the way of natural light and lamps can manipulate and change the colors in any room. Try using soft and strong lighting in a room and notice the difference in color. Also try position lamps in different locations in the room. Hopefully all, some or even one of these tips will prove to be helpful and effective for you. In summary, keep in mind that all colors are either yin (negative and passive) or yang (positive and active). We are happiest when we can achieve a balance between the two. Orange, yellow, red and black are yang colors. White, blue, green and beige are yin colors. Purple and indigo can be either yin or yang; depending on how much red or blue is in them. Have fun, experiment and see what works best for you. xoxo

Tryst with Destiny | Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Independence Day Speech | 1947

"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

मेरी बेटी का लेख.... अहा ज़िंदगी...में देश की प्रतिष्ठित पत्रिकाओं में शुमार ...अहा ज़िन्दगी में मेरी बेटी का लेख ....यह पहला मौका नहीं है...पहले भी उसके लेख छपते रहे हैं....पर इस लेख पर बहुत प्रतिक्रियाएँ आई हैं...
मैं प्रफुल्लित हूँ मेरी बेटी का लेख बिना इंसान के रहेगी ज़िंदगी .....अहा ज़िंदगी में छपा है।
यहा देखें दोनों पेज़..... शब्बा ख़ैर!!!

Remembering mom on mother's day

“The woman who creates and sustains a home and under whose hands children grow up to be strong and pure men and women is a creator second only to God.” — Helen_Hunt_Jackson. It’s been ten years since she died of heart failure. She was 78 years old and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her, but I suspect that when it comes to our mothers we are never ready to give them up. …….

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

क्या कहते थे चौधरी हरद्वारी लाल (वैश्य कालेज रोहतक, और बाद में दिल्ली के किरोड़ीमल कालेज में प्रिंसिपल रहे, सात साल एमडीयू रोहतक में वाइस चांसलर और , लोकसभा सदस्य भी रहे) हरियाणा की शिक्षा के बारे में? लिखा था बेबाक लिखने वाले 'योजना', नेशनल हेराल्ड, हिन्दुस्तान टाइम्स और 'दि इलेस्ट्रेटेड विकली ऑफ़ इंडिया' के संपादक रहे खुशवंत सिंह जी ने........ पढ़िए जरा 25 फरवरी 1995 के पंजाब केसरी अखबार की इस कटिंग में जो मैंने सहेज रखी थी. ...

Monday, May 8, 2023

małgorzaciarnia: Bolerko i "Pejzaż retro"

małgorzaciarnia: Bolerko i "Pejzaż retro": Skończyłam przed momentem bolerko dla młodszej - amatorki bolerek, rękawków itp.wdzianek. Jeszcze nie odświeżone praniem i z nie ujarzmionym...

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

greener ways ....a head.......... yes this is the basket i created and i am happy on my self created design of it... i crocheted this basket out of up-cycled grain sack(another story will post later-on) then i sandwiched the foam(insulation material of the hot case, which was lying in the kitchen cup-board (was not in working order) basket got skeleton of the hot-pot ........i stacked my odds and bits in it...... sorry to post blurry picture too........ the inner stain-less-steel pan is good to use in kitchen activities..again the outer pot with perfect lid is still working to stack spice packets... see the pan and ope pot..perfect.. peek side the basket...its sturdy and durable..smooth too... the rim is wide enough due to insulated foam seat frame of the hot-pot.... see the lid from inside lined with a piece of grain sac..... the inner lining of the crochet basket and the lid too are done with the grain sack pieces.....
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How to Make a Doll from Scraps of Fabric