Thursday, July 29, 2021

सावन सुहाना, भादो भद्दा, आख़िर क्यों?

सावन चला गया. पूरे महीने 'बरसन लागी सावन बूंदियाँ' से लेकर 'बदरा घिरे घिरे आए सवनवा में' जैसे बीसियों गीत मन में गूंजते रहे.

राखी के अगले दिन से भादो आ गया है, भादो भी बारिश का मौसम है लेकिन ऐसा कोई गीत याद नहीं आ रहा जिसमें भादो हो.

भादो के साथ भेदभाव क्यों?

क्या इसलिए कि भादो की बूंदें रिमझिम करके नहीं, भद भद करके बरसती हैं? या इसलिए कि वह सावन जैसा सुहाना नहीं बल्कि भादो जैसा भद्दा सुनाई देता है? या फिर इसलिए कि भादो का तुक कादो से मिलता है?

भादो के किसी गीत को याद करने की कोशिश में सिर्फ़ एक देहाती दोहा याद आया, जो गली से गुज़रते हाथी को छेड़ने के लिए हम बचपन में गाते थे- 'आम के लकड़ी कादो में, हथिया पादे भादो में.'

हाथी अपनी नैसर्गिक शारीरिक क्रिया का निष्-पादन सावन के सुहाने मौसम में रोके रखता था या नहीं, कोई जानकार महावत ही ऐसी गोपनीय बात बता सकता है. सावन में मोर के नाचने, दादुर-पपीहा के गाने के आख्यान तो मिलते हैं, हाथी या किसी दूसरे जंतु के घोर अनरोमांटिक काम करने का कोई उदाहरण नहीं मिलता.

हाथी को भी भादो ही मिला था.

सावन जैसे मौसमों का सवर्ण और भादो दलित है.

बारिश के दो महीनों में से एक इतना रूमानी और दूसरा इतना गलीज़ कैसे हो गया?

जेठ-बैसाख की गर्मी से उकताए लोग आषाढ़-सावन तक शायद अघा जाते हैं फिर उन्हें भादो कैसे भाए?

भादो मुझे बहुत पसंद है क्योंकि उसकी बूंदे बड़ी-बड़ी होती हैं, उसकी बारिश बोर नहीं करती, एक पल बरसी, अगले पल छँटी, अक्सर ऐसी जादुई बारिश दिखती है जो सड़क के इस तरफ़ हो रही होती है, दूसरी तरफ़ नहीं.

कभी भादो में हमारे आंगन के अमरूद पकते थे, रात भर कुएँ में टपकते थे. किसी ताल की तरह, बारिश की टिप-टिप के बीच सम पर कुएँ में गिरा अमरूद. टिप टिप टिप टिप टुप टुप टुप...गुड़ुप.

सावन की बारिश कई दिनों तक लगातार फिस्स-फिस्स करके बरसती है. न भादो की तरह जल्दी से बंद होने वाली, न आषाढ़ की तरह तुरंत प्यास बुझाने वाली.

मगर मेरी बात कौन मानेगा, मेरा मुक़ाबला भारत के कई सौ साल के अनेक महाकवियों से है. भादो को सावन पर भारी करने का कोई उपाय हो तो बताइए.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Ratti: Colourful seeds of Rosary Pea in red and black combination, as se...

आज मुझे कम्प्यूटर के आगे चाय का कप लेकर बैठे  हुए चिरमीख (मेरी दादी उसे इस  ही बुलाया करती) की तस्वीर दिख गई, कम्प्यूटर के आगे चाय की चुस्कियां लेते समय अक्सर में अपने ज्ञान की क्षुब्धा  शांत करती हूँ  में नेट को खंगालने लगी !क्यों न खंगालती मेरी दादी की सभी चीजें मुझे  अच्छी लगती थी! वे मुझे बहुत प्यार करती थी.
तो  देर न करते हुए चिरमिख पर आ जाएं। मेरी दादी की आँखों में जब कोई फुस आदि गिर जाता था तब उसे निकालने के लिए वेचिरमिख को अपनी पुतलियों में दाल कर घुमाती थी इससे वह तिनका या फुस निकल जाता था.
मझे नेट पर विकिपीडिया में उसके बारे में जानकारी मिली और यह भी मालूम पड़ा कि हमारे हरियाणा से लगते राजस्थान में  इसे चिरमी के नाम से   जाना जाता है इसके नाम से एक लोकगीत भी वहां प्रचलित है चिरमी राजस्थानी एल्बम का चिरमी रा डाला चार गाना एक सूपरहिट मारवाड़ी वीडियो गीत हैं  गीत की पहली लाइन है। ... चिरमी रा डाला चार जिसे एक शादीशुदा लड़की गाती है वह चिरमी के पेड़ पर चढ़ कर अपने पिता और भाई की बाट देखती है तब उसका जेठ भी चिरमी के पेड़ पर चढ़ जाता है तब उसकी डालियाँ निचे झुक जाती हैं तब वह लड़की कहती है मेरे पिता घोड़े पर आ रहे हैं और मेरा भाई ऊँट पर चढ़ कर आ रहा है घोड़े के गले में घंटियां है और ऊँट पर धागों से बने पिलान हैं। घंटियां खराब हो चुकी हैं मैं उन्हें दही से धोऊंगी,ऊंट का पिलान  खराब हो गया है उसे मैं साफ़ करूंगी।  
मापने का पैमाना 
हरियाणा में जब मैं छोटी थी सोने का माप रती , मासा और तोला  के हिसाब से मापा जाता था  जहां ८ रती का एक मासा और १२ मासे का एक तोला (११. ग्राम ) एक चिमी का वजन एक रति माना जाता है इसलिए इसे रति भी कहा  जाता है। सभी बीज/दाने बराबर होते हैं 

मैंने पाया कि हिंदी में इसे गुंजा कहते हैं गुंजा को आंख में डालने से आंखों में जलन और पलकों में सूजन हो जाती है।

Today   while sitting in front of my computer with a cup of tea I stumbled upon a  picture of Chirmikh (my grandmother used to call it  that way) while working on the net. I often annoy my knowledge while having sips of tea in front of the computer. Come to Chirmikh . My grandmother used to spin the chirmikh in her pupils to remove  foreign material from her  eyes.  Often while having tea sitting in front of the computer, I satiate my hunger for knowledge, then do the rest of the work.

Much ado about nothing,come to the term.


I found information about it in Wikipedia on the net and also came to know that in Rajasthan adjoining our Haryana, it is known as Chirmi, a folk song by its name is also prevalent there.

In RajasthanIndiaChirmi song is associated with this plant.  A married girl is climbing on Chirmi plant waits for her father.


In song:

The first lines are चिरमी रा डाला चार (chirmi ra dalaa char). In the song, the married girl is saying "my chirmi tree is very innocent. I climbed on the tree to see coming my father but my jeth (husband 's elder brother) also climbed up on the tree then chirmi tree 's branches urned broken. That married girl requests her jeth to get down from chirmi and saying "My father is coming rode on horse and brother is riding on a camel. The horse is decorated with ghoongra (small bells) and the camel with loom (a type of decorative threads). The small bells gets rusted and the decorative threads gets dirt. So I will keep those bells in a purse and hang those threads on a hanger. I will wash those bells with curd and dust out those decorative threads. (chirmi song)

 There is also evidence that this plant has significant economic value to the traditional Zulu people, due to the fact that it is a form of income for Zulu people that make and sell crafts that were made from the seeds of this plant.



Abrus precatorius beans (also known as rosary peas or jequirity beans) colloquially known as chirmikh in Haryana and chirmi in Rajasthan. are shiny, scarlet-red seeds with a black spot. Other less common varieties can come as a white seed with a black eye or a black seed with a white eye. ... precatorius plant have been used as home remedies to treat certain illnesses.


Source chirmi



Unit of measure

The seeds of Abrus precatorius are very consistent in weight, even under different moisture conditions due to the water-impermeable seed-coat. Formerly Indians used these seeds to weigh gold using a measure called a Ratti, where 8 Ratti = 1 Masha; 12 Masha = 1 Tola (11.6 Grams).


 source  wiki/Abrus_precatorius

Ratti: Colourful seeds of Rosary Pea in red and black combination, as se



Sunday, July 25, 2021

सावन का महीना

From today, the month of Shraavana has started, in the beginning of the month, I make sweet pooris for (colloquially known as pude in Haryanvi) breakfast. Here is the recipe in Hindi 

Shraavana/ Sawan month

This month is devoted to Lord Shiva and it falls in the fifth month of the Hindu calendar. Usually it is celebrated between July and August. This year Saavanastarts from July 25 (Sunday) after completion of Ashadha month on July 24, 2021.Shravana is considered to be a holy month in the Hindu calendar due to the numerous festivals that are celebrated during this time. Also special worship of Lord Shiva and fasting is observed on Mondays.

आज से सावन का महीना लग गया है महीने की शुरुआत में सुबह नास्ते में मीठे  
पूड़े   बनाये 
पूड़े बनाने की विधि :
सामग्री -एक कटोरी गेहूं का आटा , आधी कटोरी खांड या चीनी, एक कटोरी घी,घोलने के लिए पानी। 
आटा और खांड मिला लें पानी डाल कर ड्रॉपिंग कंसिस्टेंसी का घोल बना लें। घोल को 15 मिनट  के  लिए एक तरफ  रख दें फिर भारी तले  का तवा गैस पर रखें ु गैस का आंच मीडियम रखें तवे पर घी फैलाएं चम्मच से घोल डाल कर रोटी के आकार का पूड़ा बनाएं। पलटें फिर दूसरी तरफ घी लगाएं। गर्म गर्म परोसें 
कई लोग पूड़े चटनी के साथ खाते हैं तो कुछ इन्हें गहि-बुरा के साथ खाते हैं। 
हम इसे अक्सर सुबह के नास्ते में एक गिलास दूध के साथ लेते हैं। 

पूडों को ज्यादा स्वास्थ्यवर्धक बनाने के लिए ;
गेहूं को धोकर उसे एक कपड़े में बाँध कर दो दिन के लिए अंकुरित होने के लिए गर्म स्थान पर टांग दें फिर उन्हें सूखा कर मिक्सी में महीन पीस लें।  इस प्रकार बनाया आटा पूडों के लिए इस्तमाल करते समय उसमें चीनी अथवा खांड की एक चौथाई कटोरी लेनी होगी। क्योंकि अंकुरित करने पर गेहूं का आता मीठा हो जाता है.  


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Reglan Kol Çalışması (Minik Laleler Başı)

Çok Tarz Bir Cepken Modeli (Blazer Ceketimize Takım)

Flower deco in my house

There are six seasons in India, each season brings with it the bloom of different flowers. It is the season  of Sawan flowers which I have brought inside the house to decorate with.
And I love putting flowers in recycled vases.........

That's why,I  inculcate in me very simple, and very customizable way, to bring seasonal flowers into the home. And yes, these are beer bottles. But the same can be done with wine bottles. Just clean, and if you like, decorate, empty wine bottles, fill them part way with some cool water and one or two fresh flowers. Boom,seasonal renewal, done.

i love the mat its on i made this table mat with recycled poly bags years back.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Rain today

Yesterday it was a bit of dim and dreary here in Hisar-the sky was grey, it rained in the evening only for 30 minutes, but  everything was a bit damp and horrid.

rain drops on my blooms 
Don't know why monsoon got angry for our city. It is raining in all the surrounding areas, but there is a draught -like situation here.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Recycled wreaths for porch

Many times some articles were stolen in from  our verandah, so I decorate it with recycled craft,and plants.

I am always creating new displays for this corner of our front portico. It is outdoors and protected on all the three  sides by walls and half of it is overhead by a roof. I have often thought of using terra cota and  paper crafted,and other recycled craft items items for display here and finally decided to test it out.

I created a  winter wreath using  using dry grass from front park,a pressure gasket and some fabric pieces from my sewing. I created ribbons from fabric pieces  and hung them from a wreath frame also wrapped in ribbon.



For this summer wreath I cut a thermocol sheet into ring that I got from our new microwave packing .i pasted wooden pieces that I got from pruning our front park tree ,I sprayed all the pieces with a coating of acrylic sealer by Mod Podge.  They have been hanging for two weeks, through 2 rain storms and are stilling looking great. 


I have a wonderful front portico. It has entries to both the rooms it is on the east side of the house and has a bright corner. For many years I keep changing this corner with different crafty articles .

Here is that same corner last year with the  recycled pot with my caladium. The pot was much easier to make but because I had used it for several years I needed to try something new.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

What’s your philosophy in Life?

reblogged from my another blog.

My Philosophy....

While studying my B.Sc. in Home Science in 1st year, the subject expert for the course Home-Management was not available in our University College. So the subject was taught by the teacher of Extention major. Almost whole class was awarded F grade. Reason the even the first chapter that contained the concept of philosophy, value and standard, the concept was not clear for all of us….. the book for the course was Home Management by Nickle and Dorsy!

Philosophy here…..

Here's a fun quiz!

For me….

You scored as utilitarianism. Your life is guided by the principles of Utilitarianism: You seek the greatest good for the greatest number.

“The said truth is that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong.”
--Jeremy Bentham

“Whenever the general disposition of the people is such, that each individual regards those only of his interests which are selfish, and does not dwell on, or concern himself for, his share of the general interest, in such a state of things, good government is impossible.”
--John Stuart Mill

More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page.
Utilitarianismcreated with


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Thread crochet


Thread crochet is one of my favorite types of crochet. I've made loads of doilies and table cloths,purses,stolls crocheted in thread and I think only a few of them are still in my possession. They make wonderful gifts! I've shown some of them before, here , here and here.

i crocheted this tablecloth last month it took me 2 months to complete it.
 I have had sewing thread spools for long time and my mission was to use them up . I used them in three fold and used 8 No crochet hook for the central part I crocheted granny squares and joined them with ridge stitch then I crochet several rounds in deferent colours,again I crocheted granny squares and for the edges I made fringes using the same thread they are looking like rok,waaah!
.i made two table clothes ,I still have many granny squares left I will make use of them in another project and will show you. Ok1

I will show another one in next blog. This makes my stock of sewing spools which were in polyester  finished. And I will now I will buy new stock of sewing threads.

Most of the thread crochet that I did is usually very big  and

 took lots of my time, but my mother seems to be attracted 

to Really smallthread crochet projects,like laces for her
peticot, picots for her suits,and chunnies etc..etc  I've 


you a few of them before, here and here.

Well, she just finished another one and sent me some

 All I can say is Wow! What do you say about this...?

 i will post them in another blogpost.


Friday, July 9, 2021

My aarticle got published in Woman'S Era Magzine

Here is the full article 

Fabric yarn basket numero uno

Lots of beaten up weary clothing, bed-sheets, pillow covers, saris, lying throw or not to throw? A real crafter...housewife... never throws away anything. Every bit can be used! That’s creativity!

Salwar-Suit basket:In previous life, this fabric was a salwar suit with matching chunni/dupatta, 100% cotton. Radha one of the crocheter in the slum had  transformed it by crocheting into a basket..tearing the textile into strips created a plethora of raw edges and texture, and gives this finely crochet work a coarse look. She  made a lid with a button cinch to handle it .Dimensions are 8-1/4 ×4-3/8 inch

I decided to post dedicated to show off her skills. But I don’t know if you can crochet with a fabric? But I myself going to try I’m thinking my solid colour, bed sheet to crochet a big basket.


Radha is a refugee from Pakistan. Several Hindus and Sikhs moved to India from Pakistan immediately after Partition. It was the biggest migration ever of the world to which these people bear a raw witness.

Harman her husband says, he left his place in Sialkot (now in Pakistan) for India.”I came along with my mother. We took to whatever work we could lay our hands on(we were earth digger ST’s there), but did not compromise with honesty and integrity, “asserts Harman. Showing a sense of content the proud man says that they have shouldered all the responsibilities of a family and now content with their lives in India and completely forgotten Pakistan.

Radha learned to crochet and weaved while in a refugee camp in Hisar. Like so many refugees sojourning through life, Radha lived in the camp for 6 long years. As she recalls, she was about 20 years old when someone taught her how to crochet, and I imagine she crocheted through many a tough year of waiting and wondering, loss and heartache.

We find her four years back, during my research work, gracing us with her warm smile and talented hands, which I have come to appreciate more and more as her story unfolds. She is a woman whose life has been seared much loss and pain, yet today at our NGO she was dressed in an array of brilliant maroon from head to toe, a silent yet loud pronouncement of her living in the present...just as she chose to do many years ago in Hisar refugee camp when she took up that crochet needle and made a choice to learn and earn. Also, she taught s slum women to adopt earning skills to make their living at their home.

Radha asserts ....”now crochet is my life, I crochet clothing of all sorts. This is my passion, my livelihood and I love to make wonderful accessories for babies, kids, and the occasional adult.”


Her  recession experiments

Economic challenges led her to evolve some cheaper ways of yarn. Not able to afford yarn to work with, “I cut fabric into strips making fabric yarn from my fabric stash in the house and borrowed from the relatives. Lightweight cotton like salwar-suits, sheets worked best for my crochet work. The same concept and thicker fabric can be used to construct baskets. Previously her work was in hibernation; slowly it got into public and became popular as well.

Those old unused clothes, strips of fabric, unwanted apparel and such stuff can be made useful instead of being thrown away. Equipped with little skill of single crochet only, one can easily crochet, from the cloths that aren't good enough to wear any way, and would have been totally discarded.

Radha has so many great items worthy to display, but I chose to feature this Crocheted Basket for several reasons. First, this crocheted piece is unique. Second, I think it's fabulous that this fabric basket is made from up-cycled salwar-suit. Up-cycling is a great way to help save items that may not be usable for their intended purposes any more, or to give an older item a sort of makeover in to something beautiful and useful again. Third, this Crocheted Basket is gorgeous! The colors are beautiful and would create such a cheerful tone to any room you add this to.

Here's the how to of making a crocheted fabric basket.

1. Pick your fabric. This basket takes a lot of fabric to make so be sure to use a very large piece like an old sheet. This particular basket took about 2 or 3 yards of fabric.

2. Cut the fabric into strips 3/4" to 1" wide.

3. Tie the strips together to form a ball of fabric yarn.

4. Crochet a circle  for the base of the basket. Here, 5 mm crochet hook was used.  Stitch using the single crochet. 

5. Crochet the sides as per your fabric or your choice.

6.Crochet a circular like base of the basket for the lid.

7. Crochet a small button with thinner strips and attach in the center of the lid for knob.

8. Show off and impress your friends!

Do you have discarded cloth articles? May  be a salwar-suit a soiled table cloth, or hubby’s t-shirts, bed sheets, outdated curtains, the possibilities are endless! Start cutting them into ½ to 2 inches wide strips to make your stash of rag yarn, and crochet a basket to stack your tit-bits-now!! Yes its cool!!!.

at last 

My inspirational blog :pontinhos meus: fotos da semana 


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

visit to my alma-matter at Hisar

 reblogged from my another blog

उस दिन on 5.26.2017 2:11 pm नेहरु लाईब्रेरीमें किताबों की प्रदर्शनी थी और हम उसमें गए थेकुछ किताबें खरीदी घूमेंरेहाना ने खूब मस्ती की लाइब्रेरी की केंटीन गएकुछ खाया पीया   ......

in front of vc office

Pond in front of VC office

in front of VC office

Palki in Museum at  Gandhi Bhawan,in the University

In museum, This is a milk cooking device with wooden door  at the back of my g-daughter


my grocry bags


i crocheted these bags in december2020


Saturday, July 3, 2021

my front yard

this is my front yard retreat

this is the place where I listen to the birds singing,

where I watch the wind play with the green leaves of the majestic trees, if I take the name,papri ,neem ,shisham, bad, bakain, champa, (hindi names)they all are in our front parkand visible sitting in our  frpnt yard.
