Saturday, March 19, 2011

twigs for deco

Here is a frugal   and distinct way to create a centerpiece or decoration for a table. A very eco-friendly way  would be to wrap the dry twigs of a plant or a tree   . Using yarn, wrap small branches from the bottom to the top in any color that goes with your room. You may want to spice it up a little by using colors that really stand out, but still go with your general color scheme.


I started with leftover pieces of yarn; I fixed a small knot at the bottom of the stick; and began wrapping the yarn up toward the top. When the yarn ran out, I simply tied another strand of yarn to it and continued covering the branch. Once I reached the end of the branches I fixed another knot and dabbed with a little bit of glue (fevicol) to keep the ends down.

Initially this project was a little bit time consuming, but was actually fun and a little relaxing. I love that we are able to bring in the nature of outdoors with a modern and sort of chic spin on it. Using these low cost materials, the only thing this little piece of room décor costs is your time.



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