Tuesday, January 16, 2018

क्रोशिये के कवर से सजी चाबी, my house in Bhiwani,

 सुबह -सुबह जब में गेट का ताला  खोलती हूँ तब बिना रोशनी के चाबी के गुच्छे में से गेट के ताले की चाबी ढूंढना मुश्किल होता है सो मैंने उस चाबी का  क्रोशिये से एक कवर बना दिया अब उसे ढूंढना आसान हो गया।  देखए क्रोशिये के कवर से सजी चाबी। ………।इसे बनाने का तरीका अगली पोस्ट में बताऊँगी
क्रोशिये के कवर से सजी चाबी

I can relate to this environment as I grew up in a semi-desert area of Bhiwani district of Haryana called the Bagar. Flat-topped hill like huge sand dunes are visible all where, the sand was (when I was a kid )so clean, we usually use that sand to clean our utensils, and put in the grains to store them for long time.

Related image
 It has a very unique beauty and a home like this would have been perfect. My grandparents home was very different to this... a   house built on platform full of locally weaved carpets(colloquially named as jajam) and bamboo antique furniture. It was beautiful, but perhaps not the best fit for the environment. The photo below is of the sand dune in Haryana.... very similar to the desert setting above.


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