Thursday, April 5, 2012

THE PERFECT MENU = PERFECT home makers in........

Every home maker knows that the well being of her family is in her hands. 
Her menu may make or mar her husband’s ambition as a provider. 
Her happiness in marriage may be in direct ratio to what she knows about
foods and how she employs that knowledge.

Home-maker can preserve the greater part of the precious vitamins and minerals of the food stuffs.  Here are some useful points for home maker.
n  Vegetables to be cooked should be washed and chilled.  The chilling prevents the enzymes from causing deterioration of vitamins during preparation.
n  No vegetables should be peeled unless it is so old that the peeling is tough and unpalatable.  In most root vegetables, the largest amount of minerals is directly under the skin, and these are lost if the food is pared.
n  Soaking must be avoided if taste and nutritive values are to be preserved.
n  If vegetables must be prepared several hours prior to cooking, they should be placed in a plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator without water.
n  Potatoes for mashing and apples for sauce should be steamed in the peeling and then seen through a pureer or ricer.
n  Temperature below the boiling point - accelerates enzyme action.  The greatest destruction of vitamins, therefore, occurs between the time food is first  put on the heat and the time when it reaches the boiling point.  This period should be shortened as much as possible.  As soon as the boiling point is reached, the enzymes are destroyed, and the vitamin loss is decreased.
n  A desirable method of cooking must three qualifications; first the food must be rapidly heated: second the cooking time must be the shortest possible, and third, little or no water must be used.
n  Of all cooking equipment now in use, utensils which allow quick steaming are perhaps the most desirable.  In this method, air is replaced by steam, the initial heating is rapid, little or no water is used and the cooking time is short.
n  Shred the vegetables and cook them in small pots, covered to prevent air from getting in and steam from escaping.  Keeping air out prevents the destruction of vitamins which distributes the heat from the bottom to the sides and lid.  The vegetables do not burn and you can cook with little or no water.
n  Never, never throw away any liquid in which vegetables have been cooked.  It contains many vitamins and minerals.
n  Examine your recipes critically, and if they do not respect the above rules of modern cookery either improve them or discard them.  Beware of any recipe which advises either soaking or parboiling and discarding the water.  Never use soda in cooking vegetables or in your baking .  if a slow method of cooking is recommended, substitute a faster one whenever possible.  Above all else, do not over cook.

n  Put the chopped chocolate in the microwave and let the 30 seconds recommended to melt. Drew, stirred and was still half hard. Pay close attention: never, under any circumstances, soak the chocolate with water! If you want to mix something on it, choose milk, cream... Never use water !! Never !!! If you are messing with chocolate near the sink and the person who lives with you come to dishwash  on your side, splashing water everywhere as if you were taking a bath hose, run !! A drop of nothing will be enough to end your cooking with chocolate, especially if you mix it without realizing that it's there.

n  The tempering i.e. mixture of chocolate and cream, used for fillings and toppings. It is much smoother than with condensed milk, as it will be not so sweet. Some prefer the first melt chocolate and then add the cream, but I prefer this way because I find much easier and faster.
1 bar (140g) of milk chocolate or semisweet
 Half can (or box) heavy cream
Preparation (microwave)
In a bowl that can be taken to the microwave, place the chopped chocolate and the cream.
Take the bowl to the microwave for 40 seconds and remove to move.
If after you move, can still see small pieces of chocolate, place back in the microwave for another 30 seconds, and then stir again. Repeat the process as many times as necessary until you have a smooth and smooth, now just use as cover your cakes or cupcakes.

n  Cucumber without heartburn!
There's always someone saying you can not eat cucumber because it is heartburn.
Indeed, the cucumber is a bit stodgy but what people do not know is that the shell of the cucumber is rich in digestive enzymes and prevents famous heartburn that occurs when you eat cucumbers peeled. Not knowing they continue peeling the cucumber to make salads.
Wash the cucumber and cut a slice at the ends on both sides (I call affectionately, the "ass"). Rub the slice that took the body of cucumber (each on one side because you only have two hands). Do this in a circular motion, and fast!

·         Baking soda needs an acidic ingredient to react with to release carbon dioxide, the gas that is released in small bubbles to give the baked goods their lift. Acidic ingredients in baking are yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, molasses, honey, citrus juice, and even vinegar. (This is why you often find white vinegar as an ingredient in red velvet cake). Use baking soda as specified in your recipe. Too much will produce flat baked goods and leave a metallic taste in your cakes or cookies. Baking soda is also known to create browning in baked goods.
·         Baking powder serves the same purpose as baking soda yet is already mixed with the acidic ingredient needed to produce carbon dioxide when baking. Most baking powders are “double-acting”, which means they produce carbon dioxide when mixed with a liquid and then again, when exposed to heat. Baking powder is used whether or not an acidic ingredient is in the recipe. Be sure to use fresh baking powder in recipes. Old baking powder will produce flat cakes and cookies.

n  The health of your family is in direct proportion to the soundness of your cooking methods.


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