Sunday, May 26, 2019

awareness compaign at balmiki mandir

the above bhajan was creating very positive mbience at the complex ...
yesterday we people (members of NGO) organized an awareness compaign..its  summer vacations here...

 addressing ladies at balmiki mandir during over awareness compaign.............

this and that excerpts.....

.....Mobile phones are more dangerous than smoking and asbestos dust. 

It's about 4 and 5 YE technologies. They affect the functioning of the nervous system and are capable of causing brain cancer. This also applies to microwave ovens. 
Scientists are convinced that if the industry does not take decisive action, in the next few years, the victims of dangerous emissions will become millions. that'swhy i suggest ...not to cook in microwave ovens...

skin care..... 

Apple tonic

Excellent choice for oily skin and a great substitute for alcohol.

2/3 cup of witch hazel
1/3 cup of apple vinegar
a few drops of lavender essential oil (or oil of your choice)
Mix well and put somewhere - a bottle, for example. Shake the bottle well before using it, then moisten the cotton or pad with the liquid and clean the face.

witch hazel is slightly stiff, apple vinegar will help restore the natural pH balance of the skin, and lavender will soothe sensitive skin.

Green tea tonic

2 teaspoons of green tea (fine)
½ l of boiling water
Put the green tea in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Once cooled, it can now be applied to the face with a cotton swab and the skin is cleansed. The daily use of this mask is recommended (both for mask and for drinking). You can store it in a refrigerator in a bottle with a cap (not to get it out) and use it the next day.

Lemon and mint tonic

1 Mint Tea Bag
1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
1 cup of boiling water
Optionally, add ¼ cup of hamamelis
Put the mint in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and ham. Once cooled, it can now be applied to the face with a cotton swab and the skin is cleansed. The daily use of this mask is recommended (both for mask and for drinking 😉). You can store it in a refrigerator in a bottle with a cap (not to get it out) and use it the next day.

Watermelon tonic

2 tablespoons freshly pickled watermelon juice
1 tablespoon of vodka
2 tablespoons of distilled water
To squeeze the watermelon, put 1-2 pieces in a gauze or paper towel and drain into a suitable container. Add the other ingredients to this juice, and mix. Use a cotton swab to dip it into the mixture and apply it on the face. Rinse with warm water. Keep it in a glass jar / bottle (tightly closed to keep the potion out of heat) and store in a refrigerator. It can be used up to 10 days after the mask is made.

Basil tonic

2-3 tablespoons dried basil (leaves)
1 cup of boiling water.
Pour the basil over the boiling water and leave there for about 10-20 minutes. Cool and apply with a cotton swab on the face

Lemon and orange tonic

1/2 lemon
1/2 orange
3/4 cup of ethyl alcohol
Drain the fruit well and add the alcohol to the liquid. Tonic tightens the pores, refreshes the skin and helps remove fat from the skin.

Mask for toning the skin with yogurt

1/2 teaspoon sea ​​salt
2 yolks
1/2 cup of yogurt

Mix all the ingredients, apply on the face and let it dry. It is an exfoliating, tightening and soothing face mask.


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