Tuesday, May 28, 2019

holy-bhagavad-gita, Dawn,music.

i love the above song of dawn, as soon as  come to my own while in front of computer in the early morning hours .. 
'Jyoti Kalash Chhalke' is a song heralding dawn. In the morning, the rays of the sun awaken everything. They bring splendour to everything they touch. 'Jyoti' means light. 'Kalash' means an urn or water pot. 'Chhalke' means overflowing. The poet expresses his joy at dawn with the phrase 'Jyoti Kalash Chhalke', which literally means that an urn of (divine) light is overflowing.

The lyrics of 'Jyoti Kalash Chhalke' evoke a series of positive images. Clouds turn from red to orange to yellow in the morning. The home, the courtyard and the garden are flush with nectar like light. The earth is lush green. Dew laden flowers are a visual delight. The sun cares for everything just like Mother Yashoda cares for Krishna, who manifests in everything around us.

क्या अच्छा हो कम्प्यूटर में तल्लीन होते  हुए यदि होश आ जाए और  भगवद गीता का एक श्लोक ही पढ़ लिया जाये...
क्लैब्यं मा स्म गम: पार्थ नैतत्तवय्युपपद्यते |
क्षुद्रं हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ परन्तप || 3||

chepter 2.3. O Parth, it does not befit you to yield to this unmanliness. Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise, O vanquisher of enemies.

Commentary : Successfully treading the path of enlightenment requires high spirits and morale.  One needs to be optimistic, enthusiastic, and energetic to overcome the negativities of the material mind, such as sloth, the rut of habit, ignorance, and attachment.  Shree Krishna is a skillful teacher, and thus having reprimanded Arjun, He now enhances Arjun’s internal strength to tackle the situation by encouraging him.  
By addressing Arjun as the son of Pritha (another name for Kunti), Shree Krishna invokes him to remember his mother Kunti.  She had worshipped Indra, the chief of the celestial gods, and with his blessings Arjun was born.  Hence, he was endowed with extraordinary might and valor, similar to that of Indra.  Shree Krishna is reminding him of this, encouraging him not to yield to this impotence, which does not befit his illustrious parentage.  Again, He addresses Arjun as Parantapa, or conqueror of enemies, indicating to him to vanquish the enemy that has arisen within him, namely, the desire for dereliction of his dutiful action as a Kshatriya, or warrior class prince.
Shree Krishna goes on to explain that the way he is feeling is neither moral duty nor true compassion; rather, it is lamentation and delusion.  It has its roots in weakness of mind.  If his behavior was truly based on wisdom and mercy, then he would experience neither confusion nor grief.


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