Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cloudy day,inspiration

Where is the sun on a cloudy day?

I was sitting in my front yard  in this harsh  month of Bhado in Haryana . Just the day before, we had experienced a few unusual sunny days in the middle of the usual hot sun and cloudy days of  monsoon. As I came around the corner where the sun had previously been reflecting on the parks stagnant water and beaming its rays of sunshine through the trees just the day before, the only thing that could now be seen was the cloudy grey sky that comes with a normal monsoon day.  It was in that moment, that I, with great disappointment said, “Oh, Mr. Sun, where did you go? Why did you leave us so soon? I needed you to stay just a little longer, so that I can stare to you for some seconds, my eyes are tired and need some Trāṭaka exercise.”

 No sooner I had spoken those words out loud, I felt convicted. The contrast of the scenery I just described to you reminded me of where some of my thoughts had recently wondered off to. You see, much like the few sunshine filled days we had just experienced, I had enjoyed an amazing season. The kind of season where we have the privilege of seeing God’s light shine bright and pushing through the darkness, beaming between the trees. It had been a season of renewal, refreshment, and restoration. It had been a season when dreams that would have appeared to have been dead or lost were now being given new life and shape.

As I stood in the sunshine of that glorious season, I dared to dream bigger with God. I grabbed one of my notepads and a pen. I invited God to guide my hand and give me a vision for His kingdom. God, in His mercy, started giving me glimpses of the next dreams He was calling me to. It was wonderful, truly. My time with God was followed by a couple of phone calls that came my way and would confirm what God had shown me…except the dream had gotten bigger by now, as it usually does with God size dreams. I was not surprised. I believe that God size dreams need to be God-sized to keep us on our knees, dependent on Him so that when they become a reality, the only explanation is God!

 So there I was, with a fast beating heart in the middle of the excitement of what God was showing me glimpses of, along with my quickly bending and trembling knees. There isn't such an accelerating feeling like when God gives us a vision that is quickly followed by confirmation. I honestly don't know if my heart could handle those moments on an ongoing basis. I think I would quickly go from writing down God size dreams to standing in His presence if you know what I mean. Maybe that is why God’s glory and His dreams for us are revealed to us in glimpses so that we can live through them and fulfill His purpose.
Sweet friend, He wants to tend your heart too. If you find yourself in the midst of a cloudy day like I did in that season, let me encourage you. We must remember, just because the sun doesn’t shine, it doesn't mean that it's not there. Just because we can’t feel the warmth of its sunshine, it doesn't mean that it’s purpose is not being accomplished…even in the midst of those cloudy gray and overcast days. The sun is always there and it will shine again. It really will. Until then, let’s keep holding on to God’s promise; the promise that God never forgets about us or the dreams He has for us. The promise is that if we seek Him we will find Him, when we seek Him with all our heart…ALL of it!
Have you sought after Him today?

  Where do the days go? More and more I find it's been a week, or two, or even three since I've returned from Delhi. 
I'm not even going to try to catch. The last three weeks have been a flurry of rain, work, cafes and very nearly moving house. Not quite, not yet, but hopefully very soon. 

Well, it was a good job I didn't hold my breath when it seemed like something might happen with the house the other day. Unsurprisingly, nothing happened at all.
So let's put all that aside for a little while and talk about snippets here.

today's inspiration 

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