Saturday, August 4, 2012

my recycled drink can chandeliers

The cans themselves don’t present a problem, as aluminum can be recycled infinitely without a loss in quality it is recycled when collected immediately after use. 

But the rest of the cans i.e – the vast amount of cans, that end up in rivers, on sidewalks and in fields. The ignorance of the people when it comes to recycling negatively impacts the world environment and human health, 
resulting in wasted energy and pollution generated from mining and other processes used to produce new aluminum. Single-use containers are admittedly convenient, but the environmental effects are disastrous. Every can thrown in the bin must be replaced with a new can made from virgin materials, which most people neglect to reflect on after lunch or on the bus.

.As for as drink can’s used in my house,I took it as my  mission to solve this sad equation at micro level.
And I transformed my collected cans into chandelier
Happy creativity!

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