i love the above song of dawn, as soon as come to my own while in front of computer in the early morning hours .. 'Jyoti Kalash Chhalke' is a song heralding dawn. In the morning, the rays of the sun awaken everything. They bring splendour to everything they touch. 'Jyoti' means light. 'Kalash' means an urn or water pot. 'Chhalke' means overflowing. The poet expresses his joy at dawn with the phrase 'Jyoti Kalash Chhalke', which literally means that an urn of (divine) light is overflowing.
The lyrics of 'Jyoti Kalash Chhalke' evoke a series of positive images. Clouds turn from red to orange to yellow in the morning. The home, the courtyard and the garden are flush with nectar like light. The earth is lush green. Dew laden flowers are a visual delight. The sun cares for everything just like Mother Yashoda cares for Krishna, who manifests in everything around us.
क्या अच्छा हो कम्प्यूटर में तल्लीन होते हुए यदि होश आ जाए और भगवद गीताका एक श्लोक ही पढ़ लिया जाये...
chepter 2.3.O Parth, it does not befit you to yield to this unmanliness. Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise, O vanquisher of enemies.
Commentary : Successfully treading the path of enlightenment requires high spirits and morale. One needs to be optimistic, enthusiastic, and energetic to overcome the negativities of the material mind, such as sloth, the rut of habit, ignorance, and attachment. Shree Krishna is a skillful teacher, and thus having reprimanded Arjun, He now enhances Arjun’s internal strength to tackle the situation by encouraging him.
By addressing Arjun as the son of Pritha (another name for Kunti), Shree Krishna invokes him to remember his mother Kunti. She had worshipped Indra, the chief of the celestial gods, and with his blessings Arjun was born. Hence, he was endowed with extraordinary might and valor, similar to that of Indra. Shree Krishna is reminding him of this, encouraging him not to yield to this impotence, which does not befit his illustrious parentage. Again, He addresses Arjun as Parantapa, or conqueror of enemies, indicating to him to vanquish the enemy that has arisen within him, namely, the desire for dereliction of his dutiful action as a Kshatriya, or warrior class prince.
Shree Krishna goes on to explain that the way he is feeling is neither moral duty nor true compassion; rather, it is lamentation and delusion. It has its roots in weakness of mind. If his behavior was truly based on wisdom and mercy, then he would experience neither confusion nor grief.
वर्षा के सम्बंध में घाघ और भड्डरी का अनुभव बड़े काम का है,और उनका प्रकृति निरीक्षण तो और अद्भुत है। गौरैया, गिरगिट, बकरी, साँप ,मेंढक, चींटी, आकाश , बादल और हवा के क्रियाकलापों का निरीक्षण करके मौसम का सटीक अनुमान लगाया है।
सबसे विलक्षण यह बात है,कि , माघ और पौष का वातावरण देख कर सावन और भाद्रपद में वृष्टि का अनुमान लगाया जाता है जो विज्ञान भी नही बता सकता।
पौष और माघ वर्षा के गर्भाधान का समय है। इस समय हवा का घुमाव और बिजली, बादल देख कर सावन और भादो में कितनी वर्षा होगी ये सटीक अनुमान लगता है।
ज्येष्ठ वर्षा के गर्भस्राव का समय है यदि जेठ बिना बरसे बीत गया तो आशा की जाती है कि सावन और भादो में अच्छी वर्षा होगी।
वर्षा का गर्भ 196 दिनों में पकता है या ये कहें इन्ही दिनों में सारें अनुमान तय होते है।
12 राशियां और 27 नक्षत्र होतें है, और ऐसा माना जाता है कि सूर्य प्रत्येक चौदह दिन पर दूसरे नक्षत्र में प्रवेश करता है, एक अपवाद को छोड़ कर! हस्त नक्षत्र को माना जाता है कि ये सोलह दिनों का होता है, ये अपने पहले वाले को दबा कर एक दिन पहले चढ़ता है और एक दिन बाद उतरता है।
हस्त को चार भागों में चार - चार दिनों में विभक्त किया गया है जिसे सोना, चांदी , तांबा और लौह का नाम दिया गया है ।
कहा जाता है कि जिस भाग में वर्षा होती है उसी अयस्क के मूल्य के अनुसार पैदावार होती हैं।
नीचे वाली तस्वीर देख कर मुझे म्हारा टिब्बे का खेत याद आ रहा है, इसमें बहुत ही पते की बातें भी बताई गई हैं।
उन्होंने ट्रैक्टरट्रालियों से मिट्टी को इस तरह से ट्रांसफर किया कि जहां कभी बहुत चिकनी मिट्टी थी वहां रेतीली मिट्टी डलवाई और जहां रेतीली जमीन थी वहां चिकनी मिट्टी डाली गई।
फतेहाबाद (प्रदीप जांगड़ा)। हरियाणा में फतेहाबाद के कई गांवों के किसानोें ने अपनी मेहनत से हालात बदलने वाला काम किया है। झलनियां गांव के किसान राधेश्याम के पास तीन एकड़ जमीन है। डेढ़ दशक पहले इस जमीन में कोई पैदावार नहीं होती थी। हर साल खेत खाली रह जाता था। ऊंचा टीला और रेतीली मिट्टी होने के कारण सिंचाई संभव नहीं थी। बारिश आ जाती तो बाजरा के बीज बो दिया करते थे। इसके अलावा कृषि उत्पादन का कोई उपाय नहीं होता था, मगर आज यहां की तस्वीर ही कुछ और है।
इस जमीन पर धान की फसल लहलहा रही है। उन जैसे सैकड़ों किसानों ने रेत में खुशहाली लहलहा दी है। यह कोई प्राकृतिक बदलाव या सरकारी योजना का परिणाम नहीं। हाथ से हाथ मिलने का नतीजा है। किसानों ने खुद अपने हाथों जमीन तैयार कर ली। उन्होंने ट्रैक्टरट्रालियों से मिट्टी को इस तरह से ट्रांसफर किया कि जहां कभी बहुत चिकनी मिट्टी थी वहां रेतीली मिट्टी डलवाई और जहां रेतीली जमीन थी वहां चिकनी मिट्टी डाली गई। किसानों की मेहनत रंग लाई और इन गांवों की जमीन सोना पैदा कर रही है। कृषि विभाग के अधिकारियों के अनुसार, जिले में पिछले एक दशक में लगभग 10 हजार हेक्टेयर बंजर भूमि उपजाऊ भूमि में तब्दील हो गई।
खत्म हो गए रेत के टीले: गांव चंदोकलां के किसान हरजेंद्र सिंह बताते हैं कि करीब दो दशक पहले कई गांवों में रेत के बड़े- बड़े टीले हुआ करते थे। बरसात होती तो किसान बाजरा, सरसों व चना जैसी फसल बो दिया करते थे। इसके बाद किसानों ने लोगों को टीलों से रेत-मिट्टी भरने दिया। इस तरह तमाम गांवों में रेत के टीले खत्म हो गए। उस जगह दूसरे गांवों से लाकर मिट्टी डलवाई।
ऐसे बदला जमीन का मिजाज : मिट्टी और रेत की अदलाबदली से किसानों की परेशानी दूर हुई। फतेहाबाद में रतिया और जाखल बाढ़ संभावित क्षेत्र माने जाते हैं। यहां की मिट्टी चिकनी और सख्त है। इसलिए यहां के किसानों ने अपनी जमीन में रेत डालनी शुरू की। रेत वाले एरिया में चिकनी मिट्टी की जरूरत रहती है। इसलिए यहां के किसानों ने बाढ़ संभावित क्षेत्रों की मिट्टी मंगवाई।
खुद की मेहनत ही काम आई : भिरडाना के किसान रामनिवास डेलू बताते हैं कि उनकी जमीन पहले रेतीली थी। काफी मशक्कत के बाद टीले को समतल किया। इसके बाद दूसरी जगहों से लाकर चिकनी मिट्टी डाली गई। पहले जमीन उपजाऊ भी कम थी। अब हम अच्छी खासी पैदावार ले रहे हैं। इसके लिए उनको खुद की मेहनत के साथ अपनी जेब से मिट्टी डलवानी पड़ी। किसी तरह की सहायता कहीं से नहीं मिली।
जिले में धान का रकबा लगातार बढ़ रहा है। किसान धान के लिए जमीनों को समतल करने में लगे हुए हैं। जमीन समतल करने के लिए लेजर लैंड लेवलर आ चुके हैं। जहां कभी टीले थे वहां भी अब किसान पैदावार ले रहे हैं। वाकई किसान उन्नत हुए हैं। -बलवंत सहारण, कृषि उप निदेशक
Increased participation of women in workforce will lead to better outcomes: ILO report
The International Labour Organization (ILO) recently released its second global report, titled Women in Business and Management: The business case for change. After surveying around 13,000 enterprises in 70 countries, the report says that “a critical mass of 30 per cent women” is need by the enterprises “in order to reap the benefits of gender diversity”.
The report highlights that almost half of the surveyed enterprises reported women holding less than 30 per cent of entry-level management positions. “Given these figures, it comes as no surprise that in 60 per cent of companies, fewer than 30 per cent of senior managers and top executives are women,” it says.
“We expected to see a positive correlation between gender diversity and business success, but these results are eye-opening,” Deborah France-Massin, Director of the ILO Bureau for Employers’ Activities, was quoted as saying. “When you consider the efforts companies make in other areas to get just an extra two or three per cent in profits, the significance is clear. Companies should look at gender balance as a bottom line issue, not just a human resource issue.”
The paper says that enterprises with gender-inclusive cultures “are over 60 per cent more likely to have improved profits and productivity”. They further write that such businesses are “9 per cent more likely to have improved business performance”.
Highlighting the gaps in the labour market, the report says that, across the world, men are still more likely to participate in the labour market than women. “The average global labour force participation rate of women in 2018 stood at 48.5 per cent, while that of men was 75 per cent. This equates to a 26.5 percentage point gender gap in labour force participation,” says the report.
Just for Asia and the Pacific, the average female labour force participation rate has declined from 52.9 in 1991 to 45.3 per cent in 2018, dropping by 7.6 percentage points.
To further strengthen the case for improved gender-balance at enterprises, the ILO analysis pointed to a study by the World Economic Forum, which predicted that “if the global gender gap in labour market participation is closed by 25 per cent by 2025, an additional $5.3 trillion would be added to GDP globally”.
“In an era of skill shortages, women represent a formidable talent pool that companies aren’t making enough of. Smart companies who want to be successful in the global economy should make genuine gender diversity a key ingredient of their business strategy. Representative business organizations and employer and business membership organizations must take a lead, promoting both effective policies and genuine implementation,” added France-Massin.
the above bhajan was creating very positive mbience at the complex ... yesterday we people (members of NGO) organized an awareness compaign..its summer vacations here... addressing ladies at balmiki mandir during over awareness compaign............. this and that excerpts..... .....Mobile phones are more dangerous than smoking and asbestos dust. It's about 4 and 5 YE technologies. They affect the functioning of the nervous system and are capable of causing brain cancer. This also applies to microwave ovens. Scientists are convinced that if the industry does not take decisive action, in the next few years, the victims of dangerous emissions will become millions. that'swhy i suggest ...not to cook in microwave ovens... skin care..... Apple tonic Excellent choice for oily skin and a great substitute for alcohol. 2/3 cup of witch hazel 1/3 cup of apple vinegar a few drops of lavender essential oil (or oil of your choice) Mix well and put somewhere - a bottle, for example. Shake the bottle well before using it, then moisten the cotton or pad with the liquid and clean the face. witch hazel is slightly stiff, apple vinegar will help restore the natural pH balance of the skin, and lavender will soothe sensitive skin. Green tea tonic 2 teaspoons of green tea (fine) ½ l of boiling water Put the green tea in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Once cooled, it can now be applied to the face with a cotton swab and the skin is cleansed. The daily use of this mask is recommended (both for mask and for drinking). You can store it in a refrigerator in a bottle with a cap (not to get it out) and use it the next day. Lemon and mint tonic 1 Mint Tea Bag 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice 1 cup of boiling water Optionally, add ¼ cup of hamamelis Put the mint in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and ham. Once cooled, it can now be applied to the face with a cotton swab and the skin is cleansed. The daily use of this mask is recommended (both for mask and for drinking 😉). You can store it in a refrigerator in a bottle with a cap (not to get it out) and use it the next day. Watermelon tonic 2 tablespoons freshly pickled watermelon juice 1 tablespoon of vodka 2 tablespoons of distilled water To squeeze the watermelon, put 1-2 pieces in a gauze or paper towel and drain into a suitable container. Add the other ingredients to this juice, and mix. Use a cotton swab to dip it into the mixture and apply it on the face. Rinse with warm water. Keep it in a glass jar / bottle (tightly closed to keep the potion out of heat) and store in a refrigerator. It can be used up to 10 days after the mask is made. Basil tonic 2-3 tablespoons dried basil (leaves) 1 cup of boiling water. Pour the basil over the boiling water and leave there for about 10-20 minutes. Cool and apply with a cotton swab on the face Lemon and orange tonic 1/2 lemon 1/2 orange 3/4 cup of ethyl alcohol Drain the fruit well and add the alcohol to the liquid. Tonic tightens the pores, refreshes the skin and helps remove fat from the skin. Mask for toning the skin with yogurt 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 2 yolks 1/2 cup of yogurt Mix all the ingredients, apply on the face and let it dry. It is an exfoliating, tightening and soothing face mask. xoxo
A gaggle of highly skilled crocheters are churning out more than 400 mini-animals for a client in Germany right now - sheep, crocodiles, tigers, ducks, frogs, giraffes and more. The group is growing as the orders increase. HDIF is proud to be creating a market for their work - bringing employment to Kapan is our mission! xoxo
His family was politically active.[7] His grandfather, Arjun Singh followed Swami Dayananda Saraswati's Hindu reformist movement, Arya Samaj, which had a considerable influence on Bhagat.[6] His father and uncles were members of the Ghadar Party, led by Kartar Singh Sarabha and Har Dayal. Ajit Singh was forced into exile due to pending court cases against him, while Swaran Singh died at home in Lahore in 1910 following his release from jail.[8][b]
Unlike many Sikhs of his age, Singh did not attend the Khalsa High School in Lahore. His grandfather did not approve of the school officials' loyalty to the British government.[10] He was enrolled instead in the Dayanand Anglo-Vedic High School, an Arya Samaji institution.[11]
In 1919, when he was twelve years old, Singh visited the site of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre hours after thousands of unarmed people gathered at a public meeting had been killed.[5] When he was fourteen years old, he was among those in his village who welcomed protesters against the killing of a large number of unarmed people at Gurudwara Nankana Sahib on 20 February 1921.[12] Singh became disillusioned with Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence after he called off the non-cooperation movement. Gandhi's decision followed the violent murders of policemen by villagers who were reacting to police killing three villagers in the 1922 Chauri Chaura incident. Singh joined the Young Revolutionary Movement and began to advocate for the violent overthrow of the British Government in India.[13]
In this historical photograph of students and staff of National College, Lahore, Singh can be seen standing fourth from the right.
In 1923, Singh joined the National College in Lahore,[c] where he also participated in extra-curricular activities like the dramatics society. In 1923, he won an essay competition set by the Punjab Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, writing on the problems in the Punjab.[11] Inspired by the Young Italy movement of Giuseppe Mazzini,[7] he founded the Indian nationalist youth organisation Naujawan Bharat Sabha in March 1926.[15] He also joined the Hindustan Republican Association,[16] which had prominent leaders, such as Chandrashekhar Azad, Ram Prasad Bismil and Shahid Ashfaqallah Khan.[17] A year later, to avoid an arranged marriage, Singh ran away toCawnpore.[11] In a letter he left behind, he said:
My life has been dedicated to the noblest cause, that of the freedom of the country. Therefore, there is no rest or worldly desire that can lure me now.[11]
Police became concerned with Singh's influence on youths and arrested him in May 1927 on the pretext that he had been involved in a bombing that had taken place in Lahore in October 1926. He was released on a suretyof Rs. 60,000 five weeks after his arrest.[18] He wrote for, and edited, Urdu and Punjabi newspapers, published in Amritsar[19] and also contributed to low-priced pamphlets published by the Naujawan Bharat Sabha that excoriated the British.[20] He also wrote for Kirti, the journal of the Kirti Kisan Party ("Workers and Peasants Party") and briefly for the Veer Arjun newspaper, published in Delhi.[15][d] He often used pseudonyms, including names such as Balwant, Ranjit and Vidhrohi.[21]
I don't go to school today, I have a vacation. So I'm sitting with an open balcony now, candy buns are throwing around, and I'm touching the keyboard. Recently, on a sister table, I accidentally found a magazine, I will not publish the name for some reason. A page has been opened where 'teenagers' write their woes and ask for advice. The first thing behind the eyes is a 12-year-old girl. Complaining that you do not trust yourself. Yes, this thing suffers without age, but why does the answer say that she is a teenager? Why does society so admit that children aged 12-13 are already adolescents? When I was such a year I wasn't really maturing and adolescence thinking. Maybe I started maturing late or what, but modern kids surprise me. All those saliva of love are 10-11 years old. Watafak? At this point, I was mostly crying for the head of a cracked barbie, not for the kids. Knowing the fact that children continue to grow older as is it waiting for us in 3000 years? Who will do this with the world. All those swaggers, yolo. What a ..? If you want to mature before and do it more mature.
In my opinion, the stage of adolescence is between the ages of 13-18. Here is a very difficult thing. Anyone pretend you are already an adult if you really do not think about your further steps and are morally and financially dependent on your parents. Yes, it is from those parents who seem to be the greatest enemies and only want the bad ones. No matter how they encroach on their morals and constant issues, after a few years they realize that they were right after all.
Those who, by nature, are able to be smarter, not insightful by their age, are not offended by me. In this case, everything is okey, but it is better when things go with time and do not need to rush too much, because then everything I want to do is damn how I would like to be a child to whom no one cares too much."I know from experience. We will all grow up, we will all die, there is no hurry. I know that 99.9% of people here spoke here, but somehow had to pour out all this outrage.
The question of the day: what are your opinions about the premature teenagers?" silence?
It's hard to find a name and describe it in one word.
It's hard to find a name and describe it in one word. Quietly beautifully life in life, and behold a huge stone of sadness and strikes my chest with all my mass. I lose balance and fall. Chest pain, no breath. I wander on the ground like a warrior shot. This is partly the case. I am a warrior in life, I was just overwhelmed by sadness. Find the facts. If you want to swing on that yellowish tree from the winter after the grass, try to go. I crossed my hand over the chest. She's wet. Red blood marks remain on your hand. The foot caresses some strangely soft thing with care. Ooo, a piece of my heart. Not much has been left, and this part is not very good. Shot after the shot, a stone under the stone, and my heart will soon stop. Sadness loves to loot it and slice it into pieces. And I've had a long time as a hustler. Going down hand and bleeding and breathing, I go further. Blood drops, leaving a red footprint on the dusty road. Step by step I go. I agree with many people, many of them ask what happened, why I'm bloody. I say nothing and pass through them as a wall. They are insensitive, they don't care. They're just asking, they don't want me to see their bloody and small heartbreaking eyes on their left. Maybe well. I never wanted to put others in trouble. And for others, it seems terrible for me to put my troubles on me and watch with the pleasure of getting my knees and back from a heavy burden. Their burden , which they themselves have to bear, and not on my shoulders. They all ask, but no one accesses a damp piece of material and does not sweep away virtually infectious blood, no one reaches or pulls a small piece out of their heart and does not put it in mine. Everyone believes that only questions and words can help. I don't remember when the last word helped me in this situation. Yes, in certain situations, they help, but not just like mine. I need a man who would put a handkerchief without words and hug and not just ask "what's not?". Maybe it's good that I have to survive everything because I don't want to become selfish and one of those who like to put my wounds on other necks. It is much better to fight yourself. Finally, I reach my room with a box of threads. Shaking hands in your pocket to safely lie in your heart pieces and try to sew them in one piece, one whole. I don't put them back on my chest. No need. I put them in a safe place, maybe someone else will need it, because I don't need it for a long time. If I have a heart, I will lose my resilience to sorrow, and I will be able to suffer again as he ruptures my heart. How do you bold her into pieces, and I am hopefully trying to collect everything again. No more for me. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- But we are unique and nothing will change us! - shouted L. putting cups on the cupboard. - And don't you think our uniqueness is just different combinations of features? The same qualities, just differently arranged? - raised one eyebrow P. - Maybe better to say that everyone thinks uniquely? - Interested in M., looking for tea. " What a difference," he said with eyes. - Catch, - P. threw the box of matches J. In the same moment as J. caught matches, electricity disappeared all over the house. Four people quietly stood in the dark. " You know, all the horror movies are starting," M said quietly, " Life, not a movie," interrupted J. - Life imitatie art "- quoted L. - probably cleared fuses - loud reasoned Mr. Brunette, pasišviesdami phones, they are wearing shoes and dressed in jackets. The field was quietly silent, and the sky was like black ink. Everyone pulled the spider through a snow-pusher toward the forest, which proudly swept behind a lonely house. They didn't stop by the forest. J. tried to peel off the transformer doors that were frozen and P. shone with the phone. M. and L. stood behind them, looking up at the sky, to the tops of the trees, so as to swing the snow under their feet. It was seen how the light of the house came on again. - Well done, - muttered J. Four people went back through the snow towards the house. When she passed through the window and accidentally screamed there, L. stopped as a bully. - What is it? - asked M. - There is something - prisimerkusi, in order to better discern suniurnėjo No. - How is it? - P. came closer to the window. The picture that was seen inside the window stunned them. Inside was L., M., J. and P. - There we? - as if asked, as M. said - Cannot be, - drowned J. - Maybe we will be kidding, - bubbled P. - Some nonsense, - The eyebrows that watched him watched the strange sight through the window. It was seen as sitting at the table, drinking tea and laughing at J. and M. as L. raised his hands in the middle of the room, and P. joined the TV channels. Four people watched themselves outside the window without realizing that it was really happening. - If we are here, what is there? - And if we are there, who are we? Four people just crashed in through the door. - What's going on here? - one of them was angry. Inside, L., M., J., and P. were distracted looking at them. - What do you need? - When he got out of his seat, the eyebrows asked asked, " Who are you?" Why are you here? And what's going on here? - Intruders poured them on issues. -Think we are your better version, laughed L. - Which will change you, - added M. - How do you understand? - Directly, - laughed L. After a few days in the forest, four corpses lying next to each other were found. Frozen bodies were not recognized by anyone