Friday, June 18, 2021

Fabric +crochet=quilt

 fabric scraps

re-blogged from my another blog-post of nov 22,2011

There was a time i just aware with the basic stitch of crochet and the picot only i had a beautiful possession of laces coiled round and round one was at least 4 inches in width and at least one meter in length another two: each one inch in width and at least 2 meter in length they one was trimmed with red yarn in slip stitch and another was trimmed with blue yarn. I usually tried ...tried and crochet those laces...but always in wain one was there around to teach me.....nor there was any book for instructions.

Every time when i used to crochet i unwind those lace pieces one one sometimes one stitch ...then two...three....i still remember those failure results that’s why i respect everybody’s skill. Without any teacher you cant learn anything.

double click for larger view

I was 15 or 16 years of age not a kid quite grown up but what to do.....later ...after 1or 2 years i got married and got admission in prep class (11th class) that was golden period for me i explored library for the crochet instructions.....not the library of our college , i visited each and every library for books. I taught myself how to crochet diff stitches.. how to write patterns...

And then that was the time

It was in 1985 I sent off my very first crochet pattern submission really felt like such a plunge. It was also my first submission in hard copy. I was so proud of myself to have my application put together and mailed on time. I consider every submission to be a great personal triumph against the demons of self doubt and procrastination.

9 pieces stitched together stashed on chair ...below picture

At that time doesn’t matter at that point if my design gets accepted or not, I had won in the battle against myself.

Without further ado....and back to the original work ...

So ...without further procrastinating, i finally posting it!!!

You can probably tell what i had been procrastinating----posting the stuff in the blog!!!

As for as this patch work.........thing is concern i created posts with writeup i will surely post them ....they all are the pre-steps of this bigger project...let see

see the picture below fabric squares with basting and batting sand-witched.......

laying on floor for matching and assembling together..........

When will i post those write ups...may be one big post of several steps consequently..

As for as this bigger and final one is concerned....

Still WIP.....

its me holding the whole piece in one....a great success indeed............

Ah, yes. This is still Work in Progress. If you make anything at all, chances are good that you too, have your own WIP collection. If you’re anything like me or most other creative folks I know you have an almost menacing WIP Mountain bursting from random drawers, closets, nooks and crannies like forlorn orphans with little hope of ever being finished. Why is it that we are SO excited to start something new and rarely as driven to finish it?

I really, really love that all of the fabrics are left over from my own project . Not only is it incredibly satisfying to turn this:

but there’s a very real sense of connection to all of the women throughout time who have taken the materials they hand on hand to make something functional and beautiful for their family. Before our world became disposable, that is.

its my niece modeling the blanket or bed spread what name .......should have it.....
my niece modelling the quilt 
its my daughter it
its me on my sitar with my mom sitting on the m spread.....

For those of you who see this and think I’m something of a genius, I must disclose that many, many people have made, are making, and will in the future be making rugs textile-pieces with some of their own methods. I developed my version of pattern myself. And the efforts put in by my niece without her help it was not possible to make this......

Still something to tell.....

Several months ago i bought new fabric pieces to cut fab-squares (these one are only from left over pieces) and i sit to cut the pieces then i searched batting material several days ..past than i bought batting material...cut some pieces and sandwich to make squares i basted 2-3 pieces ...tried to work blanket stitches around....and got tired...bored....ohhhhhhhhh its too difficult a task......then i stood up the cupboard gathered all the pieces and then and their decided to assemble them ....whatever...size of cloth....will develop out of those pieces......then was done .......i felt very charmed on its looks.when my daughter came home for diwali, she also liked it very much.....its edgings are still to be done ..i usually sit for one hour or two while listening worship.....script in the evening....i keep it with ball of yarn and crochet hook.But my daughter daily used to lay it on the crb wit

 h the ball and hook under the mattress.

....close up please........
happy day!!!

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