Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Ode to Naturally Cracked

So I have been trying to schedule posts ahead so I can keep up on everything and take on more reviews, and work for my NGO/ MSS,HISAR,HARYANA,INDIA MORE. But I sometimes run out of things to write about. So I recently posted asking for writing prompts. My friend responded with that I should write how great she is….so I thought sure why not! My friend LITICIYA was like many other people I have come across since I started working my blog. Most ask me how they can get free stuff. Well, I don’t get free stuff, I get sent GIFTS and am expected to do some work for it. LITICIYA asked me how she would get started AN NGO I have many who ask me that and I have helped as best I can. A lot of these people realize how much work is involved and realize they might not have that much time to put in. LITICIYA was different. LITICIYA did what she always does. She put her heart and soul into making HER work, learning the ropes and improving her writing ability. She started A BLOG. She has helped me out a ton here, and also been thankful for any help I have given her. When she found out I was AWAY FROM MY NGO she wanted to help me the best she could. So she joined my team, she has been working her business, and I am very proud of her. LITICIYA and I parent very differently, and we have very different view on things, but I never feel disrespected when we disagree. Sometimes I know how strongly she feels in the opposite direction, but she always asks me why I do things a different way and is willing to listen. I know I am not going to convince her on some things that what I am doing is what she should be doing, but neither of us is interested in trying to sway the other. It is all about sharing our passions and celebrating our differences. When I need a shoulder to vent on, she is there. If I want to celebrate, she is there. I am off on a crazy adventure she is there. The only downside of her rocking her blog is she can’t take on my extra projects now OK Have you read her blog? What do you think?
MOM In Haryana traditionally men were never tattooed, but women were freely tattooed on the face, legs, arms  and body. One dot is made in the centre of the forehead and three on the left nostril and at the corners of each eye brows in the form of a triangle. All the limbs and the fingers and toes may also be tattooed, the most common patterns being a peacock with spread wings, a fish, cuckoo, scorpion, a child’s doll, a sieve, a pattern of Sīta’s cookroom and representations of all female ornaments. When I was a kid the girls of my age use to make small tattoo dots on their forehead in the middle of the chin and on the corners of eyebrows. I also tried to make some tattoos we(me and my friend sunheri) sewing needle  put some black charcoal powder from griddle on the spot then repeatedly prick the space with hand using needle  to mark the tattoo, the process of pricking and putting the charcoal powder repeated several times. Next day we washed the tatood space ..Yes they were there .but they fade away after 2-3 that was the practice used by girls to make tattoo dots on their faces. My mom used to say that when we accompany my grandma to the annual fare we enjoy a lot and girls used to get tattoos on their body parts. My mom got her done when she was only 10 years of age. Another tattoo of ..ok XOXO

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