Thursday, May 27, 2021

My Dinning area

I love beautifully set tables. By that I don’t mean anything too fancy; just some nice plates and cutlery (it’s fine if they are mismatched) with napkins and a few sprigs of flowers. Setting a table makes even the most simple meal feel special and having just read The Set Table: The Art of Small Gatherings by Hannah Shuckburgh,

it’s something I am going to make a bit more effort to do well. The book strikes just the right balance between inspirational and achievable and shows you how to set a beautiful table with modest resources. There are tips on choosing crockery and cutlery, suggestions for flowers and lighting, and advice on how to make all mealtimes that little bit more memorable. As well as Hannah’s useful tips, the book also features lots of inspiring photographs, which make you want to grab some napkins, bake some bread and invite a few friends round. It’s a good book and one that I’ll be dipping into time and time again. 

Dinning table cover crocheted by me in 70's 

Very occasionally I have come across it in other colours.  The red,yellow,orange,green like these cups from J. Meakin and Sons.  I found them in such an old shop, the staircase was leaning literally 20 degrees to the right!
When taking pictures, I usually prefer having clean angles (90 degrees). I have been challenged to change it up, and I'm giving it a go here... ;) The dining room has gotten a tiny tiny makeover before we're going all out. I've decided I need some major changes. There's something bugging me about the wallpaper, it has to go.
 I have always had a love for hotelware because it is so rugged and a lot chunkier than most china.  Vitresol or hotel/restaurant china has been specially glazed to withstand the harsh environment of the service industry. service industry.

some times our dinning table looks like the above .....that s no space at all! even my mom has to take her porridge sitting on lower stool. 


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