Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Novel concept 


Taking an old discarded sari and transforming it into a work of art is quite a novel concept. It goes to show that the sari can stand the test of time and can be beautiful in whatever way it is used.

Artful Eco Bag out of old silk sari

We've all become more aware of the impact of plastic grocery bags on the environment, and the kindest thing we can do is to replace them with a reusable alternative. Why not make a boodle of fabric replacement bags, customized for your recipient? Everyone from moms to students can appreciate these little bags, with lots of room for groceries, library books, or art supplies. You can whip them up in no time, so plan to make a few for yourself as well. The best part is that you can roll them up and tuck them into your purse or glove box, so they're always handy for impromptu market strolls. If they get soiled, pop them in the washing machine and they're ready for the next trip.

Matching Sari bag:

I made this sari out-fit for my daughter its zari borders on the shirt’s hem on both sides, on neck-line and cuffs’ used the same fabric for duppatta by putting zari-boarders on all the four sides.

 Zari borders on the base and flap of bag, to carry it with the sari out-fit. I teamed this with matching churidar and, dupatta from saari. 

Make jewellary out of sari…

 You can also convert your precious zari borders from your Kanjeevaram saris into jewellery. A choker made of zari border will look great on a plain slim gown.

Hair deco with sari….

You can cut the border in to thin strips and braid you hair with it. This will add a very traditional north-Indian touch to your look. 

Your best strategy for green shopping is to take along your own canvas or nylon bags or some other sort of basket in which to carry your purchases


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