Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. - William Morris
Thursday, October 20, 2022
My publications
For me, the yearly cleaning of stored old books conjures up images of my olden time creativity and the hard work I put in learning US and British crocheting and knitting terms, preparing toffies, candies for my kids’ etc etc and got published them in magazines and books to make homemaker’s work easy ……… the pages of them yellowed with age, their musty smell transporting me to a distant land. Memories left behind like the hint of a perfume, between the pages of olden time fashions, and present day trends….
Ok, that's enough procrastinating. Just peek into my olden days publications with kids of my family...they were just the innocent victims of my crafting.
Posting my olden days publications…………
Saturday, October 15, 2022
May, 1st2002, excerpts of research work:
Research is my passion; it flourished when I came in this field. Since my involvement in this field I roamed in each and every rural areas of the Haryana State of India.
Women folk of Haryana State of India work in the fields tend cattle, fire the kitchen hearth. They are called “Bir Baani” (Brave women).They work from dawn to dusk continuously without any formal leisure hours for themselves. They live for their family only never ever care for own physical up keep. They are actual hero in the struggle of life.
Friday, October 14, 2022
ये सोंग पुरे राजस्थान में जबरदस्त तहलका मचा रहा है || New KRISHANA SONG ...
What does this picture of Rehana have to do with this post? Nothing. I just think she's adorably cute and wanted to share!! :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Ideas For Empty Tins,Craft Knife
Here is an idea on what you can do to recycle or reuse those metal tins of protein/ milk your recycling man may not take or take as scrap pieces.
After making these two hook nestles it seems to me that I never showed you photos of these up cycled tin hook staking bins after they are photographed.
How I could have forgotten to do this is a mystery, since this is a project of which I am over-proud. If pride were a sin, I am doomed. Ohooo!.
In my studio I love to make them into beautiful objects to house my hooks.
These bright tins transformed into beautiful objects and are the perfect place because I can fit many hooks in each, I make one for aluminum crochet hooks and the other for the steel crochet hooks.
I bought a craft knife today Here is a link for craft knife inspiration.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Friday, October 7, 2022
Monday, October 3, 2022
Reblogged from THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2013’s blogpost of my online journal Roznamcha -Karguzari
MY Love for library
Since I can remember, I have always had a fondness for the library. The smell of the books, albeit musty at times, the crinkling of papers, the whispered conversations, and the now-obsolete but then very important subtle thwack of the library stamp hitting the ink pad and depositing its return date on your book, all added to the specialness of the place. And if you were so fortunate to have a smile thrown your way from an unusually happy librarian, which was just icing on the cake. Owning a library card was like owning a very unique key. A key that could open up doors to all kinds of places, real & imagined.
During rare occasions and living situations, I could actually walk to the library. It soon became apparent however, that my mountain of books few selections were too much for me to carry in one trip and required the use of a car or some such thing. Before my children were born, I would often use my lunch hour (when I
worked 'outside the home' - what's that? - don't recall it now oh!) to wolf down the contents of my brown bag and race over to the library and spend as many minutes remaining perusing the stacks of books. With my arms laden with treasures, I would race back to work in the knick of time and wait until the end of the work day so I could merrily drive home and anticipate the leisurely time with which I could look at, drool over & read (once in awhile) my loot.
The habit only continued after having babies. When my children were preschoolers, the library offered a quiet place to study and to breathe. On a weekday evening or part of a Saturday afternoon, I would leave my husband in charge of the children and steal away to the library for some alone time. Of course, I still came home with a truckload of free items that I had borrowed with my library card. The only difference was that my arms became heavy with picture books and reading books and easy readers and books on tape.
When my children were old enough to realize that every book on the library shelves did not have to be taken off its shelf to stand on or to throw, and they finally decided that they'd rather actually read a book rather than play with the toys in the kids' area, they accompanied me to my favorite place. Getting their very own library card was a big deal with some minor pomp & circumstance added in accordingly. And practicing our 'library voice' was also a big deal so as to not upset the librarians. On our Library Day visit, we would traipse together into the world of imagination or reality, depending on which genre of book we/they/I chose. My children were happy with their selections; I was happy with a quiet and free outing.
That is, until the library fines!
But this post is not for mentioning that. This post is about how wonderful and free (minus fines) the library is. It offers lots of things to read watch and do for people of all ages. (I've only scratched the surface as to what our present library offers.)I still have a Library Day once in a week even though the actual day might change from week to week. I still return home with boatloads of books .
Really, our Nehru library is a great 'invention'.
my daughter.,
my son,
my state-Haryana
Sunday, October 2, 2022
For Gandhi ji’s 153rd Birth anniversary! Reblogged from the previous post of 10/30/2011 on roznamcha kargujari…
Crochet three-dimensional ............... harden and fit .... I do so !!!!
I'm melted! This year I decided not to make good resolutions on New Year's Eve .. because every year is the same story: I promise to be a better person but then I'm still the same! So I started this new year with an objective analysis of myself .. and I have concluded that this year I will do what I like and like! Just before Diwali I thought about buying some cotton twigs, which at that time are usually ready to pic at agri. farms around our HISAR CITY ... and it occurred to me that I could spin it! I did some research and I knew this plant better, discovering that there are several varieties, including some (not very common) in which the cotton wool grows naturally brown, beige or green. These varieties are very old, but their production at the industrial level has not aroused much interest because the fibers are particularly short and therefore it is extremely difficult to spin them. I then took my cotton twigs and started to open this cotton wool, which contains the seeds of the plant, just like a fruit. In each swab I found about 8 seeds and the feeling I felt every time was indescribable: I fully understood the meaning of the word KAPAAS KE DODE! A myriad of short fibers that are rolled up and twist around a small seed to protect it and allow it to be transported by the wind without danger, to give life to a new plant .. made me understand how wonderful is the nature, which thinks every detail to protect his creatures!]]
I also found that, given the extremely short dimensions of the cotton fibers (on average about 2cm), you need to spin it with a special tool, the TAHKLI, a very small and light metal spindle, which is used by placing it on a surface and turning it swirling, like a top! Much better known than TAHKLI IS THE CHARKHA, A SPINNERUM INVENTED BY MAHATAMA GANDHI TO SPIN COTTON. Gandhi used cotton spinning and Charkha as symbols of the non-violent struggle for Indian independence. With the Charkha he hoped that the Indians could become self-sufficient and free from the English dominion, producing their own clothes and not buying the English fabrics.
The things to say are too many .. in a few days I have stored so much information and experiences that to write them all here would be an endless post! The important thing is that I LOVE my CHARKHA, I love it when twirling in my fingers and I love the noise that the thread does while it is forming .. I think soon my CHARKHA will have a name! Preferably Indian .. Raul? Who knows ... we'll see :) I know, I'm crazy, but I always give a name to the objects when I tie myself to them in this way! In addition, during the Diwali holidays at our nanu’s village I talked to my grandmother(maternal) about the production and spinning of cotton, which when she was a child was performed at home, and I found out that my great-grandmother had given her CHARKHA which she got from her mother something that you consider of little value because it is more than 90 years or something!!! Given my enthusiasm to that wonderful charkha could not help but place it on the taand ("I had to preserve it till my death!").
Now I'm thinking of making some kukdis (raw cotton alongated balls)with cotton punnis (cotton swags), but I have to organize myself well and find a frame or use my charpaai .. ok, enough for today! I do not want to go further: this post should have just mentioned the new turn that is taking my life, but as usual I become too verbose when the topic excites me! To reconnect to the incipit, therefore .. for this year I decided to do everything I like and I like ... and I think I started well!
Happy Birth Day to Gandhi ji in Heaven!
It's my professional and social life!!!
1008, Housing Board Colony, Sector-15A, Hisar-125001(Haryana)
bimlaade@ yahoo.com
Examination Division/OGPA Year Board/Univ.
Matriculation II 1971 Board of School Education Haryana
Pre-University II 1972 Punjab-University
B.Sc.(H.Sc.) 2.54/4.00 1978 CCS HAU, Hisar
M.Sc.(F.R.M.) 3.68/4.00 1991 CCS HAU, Hisar
Thesis title: Housing and Health in Rural Areas of Haryana.
Thesis title: Situation Analysis of Female Slum youth-a study of two slum areas each in Jaipur,Rajasthan and Hisar, Haryana Cities of India.
2. Training on Statistical Analysis using electric spread sheets 2002 Computer Center college of Agriculture
3. Women friendly farm Technologies for Drudgery Reduction 2000. CIAE, Bhopal
4. Use of Statistical Methods in Agri. & Allied Fields 2000
5. Training on Computer Application 1999 AAREM, CCS HAU, Hisar. (Given By NIIT)
1. Nid training 1999 S.C. & Placement
2. Training on fuel conservation July,5-10,1989 National Gas,
3. Training on Damper-less-Chulha in Satrod village. 1985- 1986.
Social Welfare, Haryana
4. An Environmental Sanitation Compact at Kurri, Hisar. Sept.1985 IATTE: Directorate of Extension-HAU training prog.
5. Training on Soap making in Nilokheri, Haryana. Sept.1985 IATTE: Directorate of Extension-HAU training prog.
6. Experimental training programme for extension of Nada-Smoke-less-Chulha(cook-stove). Dec.15-22,1983 S.W.R.C., Khori, Haryana
7. Training on grain storage June,10-17,1974 IATTE: Directorate of Extension-CCS HAU training prog.
2 ) Trainings Conducted for Rural Women in Rural Areas
Sr. No. Name of Trainings No. of
1. Demonstration, and use of smoke-less-chullha in village Kaliramna ( Hisar Distt. ) on October 18, 1982, organised by Deptt. of FRM,COHS,CCS HAU, Hisar. 1
2. Demonstration, and use of smoke-less-chullha in village Bhuna ( Hisar Distt. ) on October 19, 1982, organised by Deptt. of FRM,COHS,CCS HAU, Hisar. 1
3. Training rural women on smoke-less-chullhas organised by IATTE in July, 83. 1
4. Construction and use of smoke-less-chullhas organised by Deptt. of FRM,COHS,CCS HAU, Hisar 4
5. Training rural women on smoke-less-chullha, organised by Deptt. of Social Welfare in March, 1984 at Madanpur Village, Chandigarh, Haryana. 1
6. Construction and use of smoke-less-chullha-cum- hara organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar. 1
7. Demonstration, on use of different models of solar cooker
organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar 2
8. Construction of soakage- pits, organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar
9. Construction of sanitary latrines organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar
10. Demonstration, on use of pressure cooker organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar
11. Demonstration, on use of knitting machines organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar 1
12. Total No. of trainings conducted for rural women 20 Trainings
• Award of merit for standing 1st in presentation of paper entitled Healthy Children in Healthy Homes in the National Seminar on Home Science for Rural Development in 21st Century December 17-18, 1997 organized by COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar and Society of Home Scientists for Agriculture and Rural Development.
• Award of excellence for standing 2nd on merit in the Training on Computer Application from 1/9/1999 to 28/9/1999 at Academy of Agricultural Research and Education Management, CCS HAU, Hisar, Haryana.
• Passed Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board’s, SRF written test to further higher studies along with NET in the year 1997 ( chance not availed ).
• Certificate obtained for first prize for presentation of paper entitled Healthy Children in Healthy Homes in the National Seminar on Home Science for Rural Development in 21st Century December 17-18, 1997.
• Certificate obtained for attending the Workshop on Appropriate Technology for North Western Rural Households in the year 1985, March 23.
• Certificate obtained for the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Cum Workshop on Home Economists as Extension Workers on February 7-9, 1985.
• Certificate obtained for the Training on computer Application on February 16,2000.from Academy of Agricultural Research and Management, CCS HAU, Hisar.
• Certificate obtained for the training on Use of Statistical Methods in Agri. & Allied Fields on September 30, 1999 from Academy of Agricultural Research and Management, CCS HAU, Hisar.
• Certificate obtained for the training on Statistical Analysis using Electronic Spreadsheets Organized by Computer Center, College of Agriculture from July 26-27,2002.
• Certificate obtained for attending the Internaional Conference on Globalization and Women’s work in South Asia and the EU: Frictions, networks and perspective held at COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar from December 13-17, 2004 ( Poster).
Member college decoration committee in 1981-89 ( for various functions held in COHS).
Evaluated Answer sheets of B.Sc. Home Science of Kurukshetra University in May, 1999.
Conducted Practical examination of Home Management, B.Sc. (Home Science) Part III on 14th and 15th April, 2000 atSmt. Indermani Mandelia Grih Vigyan Shiksha Niket, Pilani Centre Rajasthan.
Participation in other regular activities of the Deptt; invigilation duties, organisationof kisan melas& other functions, conferences/Seminars?Work Shops
1. Work experience ----------- (Annexeure I).
2. List of publications (Research papers published in journals)------------ (Annexeure II).
3. List of general articles published --------(Annexure III).
4. List of Research papers presented in conferences/seminars--------- (Annexure IV).
5. List of Pamphlets/booklets/Reports published -------- (Annexure V).
6. List of conferences /workshops/seminars attended----------(Annexure VI ).
7. List of Radio talks delivered at AIR, Rohtak and Hisar------ (Annexure VII).
1. Energy conservation a must for Rural Homes presented in UGC Sponsored National Seminar cum Workshop on Home Economists as Extension Workers on 7th to 9th Feburary,1985, held at DEI Agra-282005.
2. Appropriate technology & its uses; presented in the workshop, Appropriate technology for North Western Rural Household on 22-23 March 1985, held at College of Home Science, CCS HAU, Hisar.
3. Household expenditure pattern of farm families in Hisar district presented in XIX, Indian Sociological Conference (AISC), on March 3-5, 1989 held in Deptt. Of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar.
4. Performance evaluation of two types of kerosene stoves in relation to traditional chullah, presented in XIX, Indian Sociological Conference (AISC), on March 3-5, 1989 held in Deptt. of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar
5. Promoting environmental sanitation presented in XI Annual Conference of Haryana Economics Association held from 23-24th March, 1991 at D.N. Post Graduate College, Hisar-125004.
6. Association between housing and health of women and children in rural areas of Haryana presented in VIIth Asian Congress of Agricultural Medicines and Rural Health, sponsored by Pravara Medical Trust, Loni & Agakhan Foundation. New Delhi, ICMR & Padmasha Dr. V.V. Patil SSKEP Pravar on January22-24th 1993 ( Maharashtra ).
7. Factors affecting housing condition in rural areas of Haryana presented in symposia on 81st session of the Indian Science Congress, Jaipur, 1994 (Rajasthan).
8. Women’s Health Education and role of Home Scientists Presented in Silver Jubilee Celebrations Seminar on the Status of the Girl Child on March 1-3, 1994 in Deptt. Of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar-125001.
9. Rural Housing sanitation and role of Home Scientists presented in National Convention of Home Scientists and Symposium on Home Science for Rural Development on December 15-16,1994 held in College of Home Science,CCS HAU, Hisar.
10. Health Status of women and pre-schoolers in rural areas of Haryana presented in the National Seminar on Ecological Aspects of Nutrition and Development of Rural Families on January 10-11,1996, in the Deptt. Of Foods & Nutrition and Child Development, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar-125004.
11. Know your Guarantees and Warranties article published in First issue of CARE Bulletin of Consumer Education released on 16th March, 1996 in Symposium on Consumer Behaviour: Apathy and complacency held in Department of Family Resource Management, COHS,CCS HAU, Hisar-125001.
12. Quality assessment of rural housing scenario in Haryana, India-An Exploratory Study presented in 84th session of the Indian Science Congress, 1996.
13. Healthy children in Healthy homes presented (in poster session) in National Seminar on Home- Science for Rural Development in 21st Century December,17-18, 1997 in COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar and won 1st prize in poster presentation of paper, seminar was organised by COHS and Society of Home Scientists for Agriculture and Rural Institutions.
14. Physical Workload of Rural Women in Feching Water. National Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment. Ergonomic and Human Factor of Engineering. National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai from April 22-24, 2004.
15. Drudgery, Ergonomic Evaluation of Dish Washing Practices in Rural Areas of Hisar. Internaional Conference on Globalization and Women’s work in South Asia and the EU: Frictions, networks and perspective held at COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar from December 13-17, 2004 ( Poster).
16. Drudgery index of Rural women of Haryana. Internaional Conference on Globalization and Women’s work in South Asia and the EU: Frictions, networks and perspective held at COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar from December 13-17, 2004 ( Poster).
Bimla. 1985.Energy conservation a must for Rural Homes. UGC Sponsored National Seminar cum Workshop on Home Economists as Extension Workers on 7th to 9th Feburary,1985, held at DEI Agra-282005.
Bimla. 1985.Appropriate technology & its uses; presented in the workshop, Appropriate technology for North Western Rural Household on 22-23 March 1985, held at College of Home Science, CCS HAU, Hisar.
Sehgal, B. Singh, R. and Bimla. 1989. Household expenditure pattern of farm families in Hisar district presented in XIX, Indian Sociological Conference (AISC), on March 3-5, 1989 held in Deptt. Of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar.
Sehgal, B. and Bimla. 1985. Performance evaluation of two types of kerosene stoves in relation to traditional chullah, presented in XIX, Indian Sociological Conference (AISC), on March 3-5, 1989 held in Deptt. of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar
Sehgal, B. Jamdagni,S. and Bimla. 1985. Promoting environmental sanitation presented in XI Annual Conference of Haryana Economics Association held from 23-24th March, 1991 at D.N. Post Graduate College, Hisar-125004.
Bimla, Singal, S. 1993. Association between housing and health of women and children in rural areas of Haryana presented in VIIth Asian Congress of Agricultural Medicines and Rural Health, sponsored by Pravara Medical Trust, Loni & Agakhan Foundation. New Delhi, ICMR & Padmasha Dr. V.V. Patil SSKEP Pravar on January22-24th 1993 ( Maharashtra ).
Bimla, Singal, S. 1994. Factors affecting housing condition in rural areas of Haryana presented in symposia on 81st session of the Indian Science Congress, Jaipur, 1994 (Rajasthan).
Bimla, Singal, S.and Sehgal, B. 1994. Women’s Health Education and role of Home Scientists Presented in Silver Jubilee Celebrations Seminar on the Status of the Girl Child on March 1-3, 1994 in Deptt. Of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar-125001.
Bimla. 1994. Rural Housing sanitation and role of Home Scientists presented in National Convention of Home Scientists and Symposium on Home Science for Rural Development on December 15-16,1994 held in College of Home Science,CCS HAU, Hisar.
Bimla, Singal, S. 1996. Health Status of women and pre-schoolers in rural areas of Haryana presented in the National Seminar on Ecological Aspects of Nutrition and Development of Rural Families on January 10-11,1996, in the Deptt. Of Foods & Nutrition and Child Development, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar-125004.
Bimla, Singal, S. 1996. Quality assessment of rural housing scenario in Haryana, India-An Exploratory Study presented in 84th session of the Indian Science Congress, 1996.
Bimla, Singal, S. Sehgal, B. 1997. Healthy children in Healthy homes presented (in poster session) in National Seminar on Home- Science for Rural Development in 21st Century December,17-18, 1997 in COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar and won 1st prize in poster presentation of paper, seminar was organised by COHS and Society of Home Scientists for Agriculture and Rural Institutions.
Bimla, Singal, S.1998. Housing Environmental Features and Health Status of Children (2-6yr) published in Abstracts International Conference on Environment and Health which was held on Nov.9, 1998at Bangalore-India.
Bimla and Singal,S.2000. Proceedings ( Abstracts on internet) International Federation for Home Economics XIX the World Congress held on 24th -29th July, 2000 at Accra, Ghana ( East Africa ).
Gandhi, S., Rana, K. Dilbaghi, M., Bimla and Singh, R. 2000. Ergonomic evaluaion of farm women cutting fodder – A Haryana study. Proceedings First National Symposium on Consumer Ergonomics: Towards a new millenium held from 20-23 June, 2000 at SNDT Women’s Univ., Mumbai.
Bimla and Singal,S.2001. Measurement of Rural housing Sanitato in Haryana state of India presented ( In poster session) in International Conference on Nature farming and Ecological Balance (ICNFEB-2001) Hisar, India, org. by Internatonal Society for Nature Farming (ISNF) in collaboration with CCS HAU, Hisa-125001, India.
Rana, K., Dilbaghi, M. Gandhi, S. and Bimla. 2001. Extent of participation of rural women in dairy activities. A Haryana Study. Proc. 88th Indian Science Congress held in New Delhi from Jan 3-7, 2001: 252.
Rana, K., Dilbaghi, M. and Bimla. 2001. Farm women’s role in animal husbandry: A Haryana Study. Proc. Ind. Conf. On Small Holders Livestock Production Systems in Developing Countries. Nov. 24-27, 2001. Thrissur, Kerala, India : 181.
Gandhi, S., Dilbagi, M., Rana, K., Bimla and Singh, R. 2001. Fodder collection by farm women of Haryana – An ergonomic study. International Congress on Humanizing work and work environment from Dec. 11-14, 2001 at IIT, Mumbai.
Bimla, Rana, K., Gandhi, S. and Dilbagi, M. 2001. Ergonomic evaluation of farmwomen picking cotton. International Congress on humanizing work and work environment from Dec. 11-14, 2001 at IIT, Mumbai.
Bimla, 2001. Musculo-skeletal problems during fuel collection in Haryana. International Congress on Humanizing work and work environment from Dec. 11-14, 2001 at IIT, Mumbai.
Bimla,2001. Housing conditions and fuel use patterns in Rural Haryana. International Conference on Energy and Quality of life –Policy Directions in the New Millennium and Symposium on “Lighting” 2001. Directions for the New Millennium 29-30, Nov-Dec 2001, MS University of Vadodra, HM Deptt of HS.
Gandhi, S., Dilbagi, M., Rana, K. and Bimla 2002. Drudgery prone home activities performed by rural women. . Proceedings 89th Indian Science Congress held from Jan. 3-7, 2002.
Bimla, Gandhi, S., Dilbagi, M.2004.Ergonomic Evaluation of Dish Washing Practices in Rural Area of Hisar in abstracts Internaional Conference on Globalization and Women’s work in South Asia and the EU: Frictions, networks and perspective held at COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar from December 13-17, 2004 :80.
1. Bimla, Sehgal,B. 1988. Expenditure pattern of farm families. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 24(3&4):63-66.
2. Bimla, Sehgal,B. 1992 Growth & Development of Haryana Children. Pen (population education News) quarterly Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 19(4):10-15.
3. Bimla, Singhal,S. 1993. Health status of women and children in rural areas of Haryana. Indian Journal of Maternal & Child Health, 4(2):52-4
4. Bimla, Singhal,S.1993. Ht.&Wt.of pre-schoolers of rural areas of Haryana. Haryana children News Bulletin, 13(4): 19-20.
5. Bimla, Singal,S. 1992. Towards cleaner villages. Social Welfare,39(2):10-11.
6. Bimla, Singal,S.1993. Housing & Health in relevance to health for all by 2000 A.D. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana,20(2): 10-14.
7. Bimla, Singal,S. 1994. Health for all need of the day. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana,22(4):5-8.
8. Gandhi, S., Bimla.1994. Farm by-products and domestic waste utilization trends in Haryana. Changing Villages, 13(1):1-3.
9. Bimla. 1995. Healthy Homes. Social Welfare, 41(7):12-14.
10. Bimla. 1995. Women, Health & Development. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 23(2): 7-11.
11. Bimla. 1995. How healthy are village women. Social Welfare,42(3):16-17.
12. Bimla. 1996. House work & health. Social Welfare, 43(2):22-24.
13. Bimla. 1996. Women’s health Indian perspective. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 24(2):11-14.
14. Bimla. 1997. Housing conditions in Rural Areas of Haryana. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 25(1):15-18.
15. Bimla, Singal,S. 1998. Soak-pit Trial in Haryana. Social Welfare, 45(4) :30-31.
16. Bimla,1998. Ill Health of Women Stems from Discrimination. Social Welfare, 62(5):9-10.
17. Bimla,1999. Healthy children in Healthy Homes ----A study in Haryana. Proceedings of National Seminar on Home Science: 243-252.
18. Bimla,1999. Rural housing in Haryana. Rural India, 12 : 126-128.
19. Bimla, Malhotra, K.1999. Rural women Health and Developmet. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 29(3-4) :19-20.
20. Bimla, 2000. Profile of rural women. Rural India, 63(2-3) : 19-20.
21. Bimla, 2001. Vastushashtra in planning a House. Rural India, 64(4): 7579.
22. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M. Gandhi, S. Rana, K., Singh,R. 2003. Rural women carry the burden of fetching water. Indian Journal of Social Work, 64(1) : 34-38.
23. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M., 2003. Women Carry the Burden of Fetching Water. Social Welfare, 51(3):14.
24. Bimla, Singh,R. Dilbaghi, S. Rana, K., M. Gandhi,2003. Contribution of rural women to farm productivity. Social Welfare, 49(10):29-32.
25. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M. Gandhi, S., Singh,R. Rana, K., 2004. Gramin mahilaon dwara paani lana: sabse kathin karya. Naya Gyanoday, 14(3) : 233.
26. Bimla, Rana, K., Gandhi, S., Dilbaghi, M. Singh,R. 2004. Physical workload of Rural Women in Fetching water. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. Ergonomic and Human Factor of Engineering. National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai.
27. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M. Rana, K., Singh,R. Gandhi, S., 2004. Drudgery in Home Activities-A Work Study. Rural India, 67(1) : 10-14.
28. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M. Gandhi, S., Singh,R. Rana, K., 2004. Drudgery activities in Rural Home. Rural India, 69 (1) : 192.
Programme details Topic and time details
Topic of talk : Ghar men adhunk taknik ka paryog
Programme : Nari Jagat
Date of Broadcast : 26.2.1989 ( Live )
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.
Duration : 12 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : A story
Programme : Aanganwadi
Date of Broadcast : 13.9.1989
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.
Recording date and time : 11.9.82 at 2.30 P.M.
Duration : 12 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Hari sabjiyon ke postik vyanjan
Programme : Aanganwadi
Date of Broadcast : 8.11.1989
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.
Recording date and time : 7.11.1989, 12.30 P.M.
Duration : 10 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Mera addarsh gaon
Programme : Aanganwadi
Date of Broadcast : 14.11.1990
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.( Live )
Duration : 15 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Mahilaon ki naukari : Sahi yaa galat
Programme : Panghat
Date of Broadcast : 14.4.1998
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P. M.
Recording date and time : 7.4.1998, 3 P. M.
Duration : 20 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Pichhle pachas varshon men mahilaon ki sthithi men badlaav
Programme : Panghat
Date of Broadcast : 13.10.98
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.
Recording date and time : 6.10.98, 3---00 P.M.
Duration : 10 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Ghar ki safai
Programme : Panghat
Date of Broadcast : 19.9.1999
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P. M.
Recording date and time : 17.9.1999, 3--- P. M.
Duration : 20 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Bekar vastuon ka sahi upyog
Programme : Nari Jagat
Date of Broadcast : 29.11.1999
Time of Broadcast : 31.11.1999
Recording date and time : 29.11.1999, 3 P. M.
Duration : 15 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio,Hisar
Topic of talk : Hari patedaar sabjiyan---kuchhjaakedaar vaynjan
Programme : Nari Jagat
Date of Broadcast : 16.2.2003
Time of Broadcast : 7 P.M.
Recording date and time : 13.2.2003, 3 P. M.
Duration : 10 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio,Hisar
31 Years in Research: 14 years in Social Work:
• Feb 1981 – 2012: As a Research Associate in the AICRP scheme of ICAR, Department of Family Resource Management College of Home Science, CCS HAU,Hisar-125001.
• Nov 1991 till date: As Research Officer in Local NGO (Mahila Surksha Samiti, Hisar-125001. for 10 years. As Secretary for 12 years,President of MSS, till date.
• I want to bring social change and upliftment in the lives of weak,
poor and exploited sections.
• I am interested to give literacy to underprivileged girl children and women of extremely poor, socially outcaste community.
• I want to make women economically self reliant.
• I want to create social/organizational awarness amongst
I want to start economic productive activities in “alpaawas grah” for which sanction has been made by the ministry of HRD”, to give vocational training to the destitute women, which would help generate income, and would help these women and their families become economically independent and free from the exploitation..
Presently Secretry of Mahila Surksha Samity, Hisar, Haryana: Member since1996.
Member: National Home Science Associatio, since 1997.
Member :Sexual Harassment Committee ITI for Girls, Hisar: since 2003.
Fluency in everyday, spoken, colloquial Haryanvi, some Punjabi and Gujrati; Basic knowledge of English and Hindi.
1008, Housing Board Colony, Sector-15A, Hisar-125001(Haryana)
bimlaade@ yahoo.com
Examination Division/OGPA Year Board/Univ.
Matriculation II 1971 Board of School Education Haryana
Pre-University II 1972 Punjab-University
B.Sc.(H.Sc.) 2.54/4.00 1978 CCS HAU, Hisar
M.Sc.(F.R.M.) 3.68/4.00 1991 CCS HAU, Hisar
Thesis title: Housing and Health in Rural Areas of Haryana.
Thesis title: Situation Analysis of Female Slum youth-a study of two slum areas each in Jaipur,Rajasthan and Hisar, Haryana Cities of India.
2. Training on Statistical Analysis using electric spread sheets 2002 Computer Center college of Agriculture
3. Women friendly farm Technologies for Drudgery Reduction 2000. CIAE, Bhopal
4. Use of Statistical Methods in Agri. & Allied Fields 2000
5. Training on Computer Application 1999 AAREM, CCS HAU, Hisar. (Given By NIIT)
1. Nid training 1999 S.C. & Placement
2. Training on fuel conservation July,5-10,1989 National Gas,
3. Training on Damper-less-Chulha in Satrod village. 1985- 1986.
Social Welfare, Haryana
4. An Environmental Sanitation Compact at Kurri, Hisar. Sept.1985 IATTE: Directorate of Extension-HAU training prog.
5. Training on Soap making in Nilokheri, Haryana. Sept.1985 IATTE: Directorate of Extension-HAU training prog.
6. Experimental training programme for extension of Nada-Smoke-less-Chulha(cook-stove). Dec.15-22,1983 S.W.R.C., Khori, Haryana
7. Training on grain storage June,10-17,1974 IATTE: Directorate of Extension-CCS HAU training prog.
2 ) Trainings Conducted for Rural Women in Rural Areas
Sr. No. Name of Trainings No. of
1. Demonstration, and use of smoke-less-chullha in village Kaliramna ( Hisar Distt. ) on October 18, 1982, organised by Deptt. of FRM,COHS,CCS HAU, Hisar. 1
2. Demonstration, and use of smoke-less-chullha in village Bhuna ( Hisar Distt. ) on October 19, 1982, organised by Deptt. of FRM,COHS,CCS HAU, Hisar. 1
3. Training rural women on smoke-less-chullhas organised by IATTE in July, 83. 1
4. Construction and use of smoke-less-chullhas organised by Deptt. of FRM,COHS,CCS HAU, Hisar 4
5. Training rural women on smoke-less-chullha, organised by Deptt. of Social Welfare in March, 1984 at Madanpur Village, Chandigarh, Haryana. 1
6. Construction and use of smoke-less-chullha-cum- hara organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar. 1
7. Demonstration, on use of different models of solar cooker
organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar 2
8. Construction of soakage- pits, organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar
9. Construction of sanitary latrines organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar
10. Demonstration, on use of pressure cooker organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar
11. Demonstration, on use of knitting machines organised by Deptt. of FRM, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar 1
12. Total No. of trainings conducted for rural women 20 Trainings
• Award of merit for standing 1st in presentation of paper entitled Healthy Children in Healthy Homes in the National Seminar on Home Science for Rural Development in 21st Century December 17-18, 1997 organized by COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar and Society of Home Scientists for Agriculture and Rural Development.
• Award of excellence for standing 2nd on merit in the Training on Computer Application from 1/9/1999 to 28/9/1999 at Academy of Agricultural Research and Education Management, CCS HAU, Hisar, Haryana.
• Passed Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board’s, SRF written test to further higher studies along with NET in the year 1997 ( chance not availed ).
• Certificate obtained for first prize for presentation of paper entitled Healthy Children in Healthy Homes in the National Seminar on Home Science for Rural Development in 21st Century December 17-18, 1997.
• Certificate obtained for attending the Workshop on Appropriate Technology for North Western Rural Households in the year 1985, March 23.
• Certificate obtained for the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Cum Workshop on Home Economists as Extension Workers on February 7-9, 1985.
• Certificate obtained for the Training on computer Application on February 16,2000.from Academy of Agricultural Research and Management, CCS HAU, Hisar.
• Certificate obtained for the training on Use of Statistical Methods in Agri. & Allied Fields on September 30, 1999 from Academy of Agricultural Research and Management, CCS HAU, Hisar.
• Certificate obtained for the training on Statistical Analysis using Electronic Spreadsheets Organized by Computer Center, College of Agriculture from July 26-27,2002.
• Certificate obtained for attending the Internaional Conference on Globalization and Women’s work in South Asia and the EU: Frictions, networks and perspective held at COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar from December 13-17, 2004 ( Poster).
Member college decoration committee in 1981-89 ( for various functions held in COHS).
Evaluated Answer sheets of B.Sc. Home Science of Kurukshetra University in May, 1999.
Conducted Practical examination of Home Management, B.Sc. (Home Science) Part III on 14th and 15th April, 2000 atSmt. Indermani Mandelia Grih Vigyan Shiksha Niket, Pilani Centre Rajasthan.
Participation in other regular activities of the Deptt; invigilation duties, organisationof kisan melas& other functions, conferences/Seminars?Work Shops
1. Work experience ----------- (Annexeure I).
2. List of publications (Research papers published in journals)------------ (Annexeure II).
3. List of general articles published --------(Annexure III).
4. List of Research papers presented in conferences/seminars--------- (Annexure IV).
5. List of Pamphlets/booklets/Reports published -------- (Annexure V).
6. List of conferences /workshops/seminars attended----------(Annexure VI ).
7. List of Radio talks delivered at AIR, Rohtak and Hisar------ (Annexure VII).
1. Energy conservation a must for Rural Homes presented in UGC Sponsored National Seminar cum Workshop on Home Economists as Extension Workers on 7th to 9th Feburary,1985, held at DEI Agra-282005.
2. Appropriate technology & its uses; presented in the workshop, Appropriate technology for North Western Rural Household on 22-23 March 1985, held at College of Home Science, CCS HAU, Hisar.
3. Household expenditure pattern of farm families in Hisar district presented in XIX, Indian Sociological Conference (AISC), on March 3-5, 1989 held in Deptt. Of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar.
4. Performance evaluation of two types of kerosene stoves in relation to traditional chullah, presented in XIX, Indian Sociological Conference (AISC), on March 3-5, 1989 held in Deptt. of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar
5. Promoting environmental sanitation presented in XI Annual Conference of Haryana Economics Association held from 23-24th March, 1991 at D.N. Post Graduate College, Hisar-125004.
6. Association between housing and health of women and children in rural areas of Haryana presented in VIIth Asian Congress of Agricultural Medicines and Rural Health, sponsored by Pravara Medical Trust, Loni & Agakhan Foundation. New Delhi, ICMR & Padmasha Dr. V.V. Patil SSKEP Pravar on January22-24th 1993 ( Maharashtra ).
7. Factors affecting housing condition in rural areas of Haryana presented in symposia on 81st session of the Indian Science Congress, Jaipur, 1994 (Rajasthan).
8. Women’s Health Education and role of Home Scientists Presented in Silver Jubilee Celebrations Seminar on the Status of the Girl Child on March 1-3, 1994 in Deptt. Of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar-125001.
9. Rural Housing sanitation and role of Home Scientists presented in National Convention of Home Scientists and Symposium on Home Science for Rural Development on December 15-16,1994 held in College of Home Science,CCS HAU, Hisar.
10. Health Status of women and pre-schoolers in rural areas of Haryana presented in the National Seminar on Ecological Aspects of Nutrition and Development of Rural Families on January 10-11,1996, in the Deptt. Of Foods & Nutrition and Child Development, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar-125004.
11. Know your Guarantees and Warranties article published in First issue of CARE Bulletin of Consumer Education released on 16th March, 1996 in Symposium on Consumer Behaviour: Apathy and complacency held in Department of Family Resource Management, COHS,CCS HAU, Hisar-125001.
12. Quality assessment of rural housing scenario in Haryana, India-An Exploratory Study presented in 84th session of the Indian Science Congress, 1996.
13. Healthy children in Healthy homes presented (in poster session) in National Seminar on Home- Science for Rural Development in 21st Century December,17-18, 1997 in COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar and won 1st prize in poster presentation of paper, seminar was organised by COHS and Society of Home Scientists for Agriculture and Rural Institutions.
14. Physical Workload of Rural Women in Feching Water. National Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment. Ergonomic and Human Factor of Engineering. National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai from April 22-24, 2004.
15. Drudgery, Ergonomic Evaluation of Dish Washing Practices in Rural Areas of Hisar. Internaional Conference on Globalization and Women’s work in South Asia and the EU: Frictions, networks and perspective held at COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar from December 13-17, 2004 ( Poster).
16. Drudgery index of Rural women of Haryana. Internaional Conference on Globalization and Women’s work in South Asia and the EU: Frictions, networks and perspective held at COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar from December 13-17, 2004 ( Poster).
Bimla. 1985.Energy conservation a must for Rural Homes. UGC Sponsored National Seminar cum Workshop on Home Economists as Extension Workers on 7th to 9th Feburary,1985, held at DEI Agra-282005.
Bimla. 1985.Appropriate technology & its uses; presented in the workshop, Appropriate technology for North Western Rural Household on 22-23 March 1985, held at College of Home Science, CCS HAU, Hisar.
Sehgal, B. Singh, R. and Bimla. 1989. Household expenditure pattern of farm families in Hisar district presented in XIX, Indian Sociological Conference (AISC), on March 3-5, 1989 held in Deptt. Of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar.
Sehgal, B. and Bimla. 1985. Performance evaluation of two types of kerosene stoves in relation to traditional chullah, presented in XIX, Indian Sociological Conference (AISC), on March 3-5, 1989 held in Deptt. of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar
Sehgal, B. Jamdagni,S. and Bimla. 1985. Promoting environmental sanitation presented in XI Annual Conference of Haryana Economics Association held from 23-24th March, 1991 at D.N. Post Graduate College, Hisar-125004.
Bimla, Singal, S. 1993. Association between housing and health of women and children in rural areas of Haryana presented in VIIth Asian Congress of Agricultural Medicines and Rural Health, sponsored by Pravara Medical Trust, Loni & Agakhan Foundation. New Delhi, ICMR & Padmasha Dr. V.V. Patil SSKEP Pravar on January22-24th 1993 ( Maharashtra ).
Bimla, Singal, S. 1994. Factors affecting housing condition in rural areas of Haryana presented in symposia on 81st session of the Indian Science Congress, Jaipur, 1994 (Rajasthan).
Bimla, Singal, S.and Sehgal, B. 1994. Women’s Health Education and role of Home Scientists Presented in Silver Jubilee Celebrations Seminar on the Status of the Girl Child on March 1-3, 1994 in Deptt. Of Sociology, CCS HAU, Hisar-125001.
Bimla. 1994. Rural Housing sanitation and role of Home Scientists presented in National Convention of Home Scientists and Symposium on Home Science for Rural Development on December 15-16,1994 held in College of Home Science,CCS HAU, Hisar.
Bimla, Singal, S. 1996. Health Status of women and pre-schoolers in rural areas of Haryana presented in the National Seminar on Ecological Aspects of Nutrition and Development of Rural Families on January 10-11,1996, in the Deptt. Of Foods & Nutrition and Child Development, COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar-125004.
Bimla, Singal, S. 1996. Quality assessment of rural housing scenario in Haryana, India-An Exploratory Study presented in 84th session of the Indian Science Congress, 1996.
Bimla, Singal, S. Sehgal, B. 1997. Healthy children in Healthy homes presented (in poster session) in National Seminar on Home- Science for Rural Development in 21st Century December,17-18, 1997 in COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar and won 1st prize in poster presentation of paper, seminar was organised by COHS and Society of Home Scientists for Agriculture and Rural Institutions.
Bimla, Singal, S.1998. Housing Environmental Features and Health Status of Children (2-6yr) published in Abstracts International Conference on Environment and Health which was held on Nov.9, 1998at Bangalore-India.
Bimla and Singal,S.2000. Proceedings ( Abstracts on internet) International Federation for Home Economics XIX the World Congress held on 24th -29th July, 2000 at Accra, Ghana ( East Africa ).
Gandhi, S., Rana, K. Dilbaghi, M., Bimla and Singh, R. 2000. Ergonomic evaluaion of farm women cutting fodder – A Haryana study. Proceedings First National Symposium on Consumer Ergonomics: Towards a new millenium held from 20-23 June, 2000 at SNDT Women’s Univ., Mumbai.
Bimla and Singal,S.2001. Measurement of Rural housing Sanitato in Haryana state of India presented ( In poster session) in International Conference on Nature farming and Ecological Balance (ICNFEB-2001) Hisar, India, org. by Internatonal Society for Nature Farming (ISNF) in collaboration with CCS HAU, Hisa-125001, India.
Rana, K., Dilbaghi, M. Gandhi, S. and Bimla. 2001. Extent of participation of rural women in dairy activities. A Haryana Study. Proc. 88th Indian Science Congress held in New Delhi from Jan 3-7, 2001: 252.
Rana, K., Dilbaghi, M. and Bimla. 2001. Farm women’s role in animal husbandry: A Haryana Study. Proc. Ind. Conf. On Small Holders Livestock Production Systems in Developing Countries. Nov. 24-27, 2001. Thrissur, Kerala, India : 181.
Gandhi, S., Dilbagi, M., Rana, K., Bimla and Singh, R. 2001. Fodder collection by farm women of Haryana – An ergonomic study. International Congress on Humanizing work and work environment from Dec. 11-14, 2001 at IIT, Mumbai.
Bimla, Rana, K., Gandhi, S. and Dilbagi, M. 2001. Ergonomic evaluation of farmwomen picking cotton. International Congress on humanizing work and work environment from Dec. 11-14, 2001 at IIT, Mumbai.
Bimla, 2001. Musculo-skeletal problems during fuel collection in Haryana. International Congress on Humanizing work and work environment from Dec. 11-14, 2001 at IIT, Mumbai.
Bimla,2001. Housing conditions and fuel use patterns in Rural Haryana. International Conference on Energy and Quality of life –Policy Directions in the New Millennium and Symposium on “Lighting” 2001. Directions for the New Millennium 29-30, Nov-Dec 2001, MS University of Vadodra, HM Deptt of HS.
Gandhi, S., Dilbagi, M., Rana, K. and Bimla 2002. Drudgery prone home activities performed by rural women. . Proceedings 89th Indian Science Congress held from Jan. 3-7, 2002.
Bimla, Gandhi, S., Dilbagi, M.2004.Ergonomic Evaluation of Dish Washing Practices in Rural Area of Hisar in abstracts Internaional Conference on Globalization and Women’s work in South Asia and the EU: Frictions, networks and perspective held at COHS, CCS HAU, Hisar from December 13-17, 2004 :80.
1. Bimla, Sehgal,B. 1988. Expenditure pattern of farm families. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 24(3&4):63-66.
2. Bimla, Sehgal,B. 1992 Growth & Development of Haryana Children. Pen (population education News) quarterly Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 19(4):10-15.
3. Bimla, Singhal,S. 1993. Health status of women and children in rural areas of Haryana. Indian Journal of Maternal & Child Health, 4(2):52-4
4. Bimla, Singhal,S.1993. Ht.&Wt.of pre-schoolers of rural areas of Haryana. Haryana children News Bulletin, 13(4): 19-20.
5. Bimla, Singal,S. 1992. Towards cleaner villages. Social Welfare,39(2):10-11.
6. Bimla, Singal,S.1993. Housing & Health in relevance to health for all by 2000 A.D. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana,20(2): 10-14.
7. Bimla, Singal,S. 1994. Health for all need of the day. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana,22(4):5-8.
8. Gandhi, S., Bimla.1994. Farm by-products and domestic waste utilization trends in Haryana. Changing Villages, 13(1):1-3.
9. Bimla. 1995. Healthy Homes. Social Welfare, 41(7):12-14.
10. Bimla. 1995. Women, Health & Development. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 23(2): 7-11.
11. Bimla. 1995. How healthy are village women. Social Welfare,42(3):16-17.
12. Bimla. 1996. House work & health. Social Welfare, 43(2):22-24.
13. Bimla. 1996. Women’s health Indian perspective. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 24(2):11-14.
14. Bimla. 1997. Housing conditions in Rural Areas of Haryana. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 25(1):15-18.
15. Bimla, Singal,S. 1998. Soak-pit Trial in Haryana. Social Welfare, 45(4) :30-31.
16. Bimla,1998. Ill Health of Women Stems from Discrimination. Social Welfare, 62(5):9-10.
17. Bimla,1999. Healthy children in Healthy Homes ----A study in Haryana. Proceedings of National Seminar on Home Science: 243-252.
18. Bimla,1999. Rural housing in Haryana. Rural India, 12 : 126-128.
19. Bimla, Malhotra, K.1999. Rural women Health and Developmet. Pen Journal of FPAI, Haryana, 29(3-4) :19-20.
20. Bimla, 2000. Profile of rural women. Rural India, 63(2-3) : 19-20.
21. Bimla, 2001. Vastushashtra in planning a House. Rural India, 64(4): 7579.
22. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M. Gandhi, S. Rana, K., Singh,R. 2003. Rural women carry the burden of fetching water. Indian Journal of Social Work, 64(1) : 34-38.
23. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M., 2003. Women Carry the Burden of Fetching Water. Social Welfare, 51(3):14.
24. Bimla, Singh,R. Dilbaghi, S. Rana, K., M. Gandhi,2003. Contribution of rural women to farm productivity. Social Welfare, 49(10):29-32.
25. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M. Gandhi, S., Singh,R. Rana, K., 2004. Gramin mahilaon dwara paani lana: sabse kathin karya. Naya Gyanoday, 14(3) : 233.
26. Bimla, Rana, K., Gandhi, S., Dilbaghi, M. Singh,R. 2004. Physical workload of Rural Women in Fetching water. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. Ergonomic and Human Factor of Engineering. National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai.
27. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M. Rana, K., Singh,R. Gandhi, S., 2004. Drudgery in Home Activities-A Work Study. Rural India, 67(1) : 10-14.
28. Bimla, Dilbaghi, M. Gandhi, S., Singh,R. Rana, K., 2004. Drudgery activities in Rural Home. Rural India, 69 (1) : 192.
Programme details Topic and time details
Topic of talk : Ghar men adhunk taknik ka paryog
Programme : Nari Jagat
Date of Broadcast : 26.2.1989 ( Live )
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.
Duration : 12 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : A story
Programme : Aanganwadi
Date of Broadcast : 13.9.1989
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.
Recording date and time : 11.9.82 at 2.30 P.M.
Duration : 12 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Hari sabjiyon ke postik vyanjan
Programme : Aanganwadi
Date of Broadcast : 8.11.1989
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.
Recording date and time : 7.11.1989, 12.30 P.M.
Duration : 10 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Mera addarsh gaon
Programme : Aanganwadi
Date of Broadcast : 14.11.1990
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.( Live )
Duration : 15 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Mahilaon ki naukari : Sahi yaa galat
Programme : Panghat
Date of Broadcast : 14.4.1998
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P. M.
Recording date and time : 7.4.1998, 3 P. M.
Duration : 20 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Pichhle pachas varshon men mahilaon ki sthithi men badlaav
Programme : Panghat
Date of Broadcast : 13.10.98
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P.M.
Recording date and time : 6.10.98, 3---00 P.M.
Duration : 10 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Ghar ki safai
Programme : Panghat
Date of Broadcast : 19.9.1999
Time of Broadcast : 12.30 P. M.
Recording date and time : 17.9.1999, 3--- P. M.
Duration : 20 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio, Rohtak
Topic of talk : Bekar vastuon ka sahi upyog
Programme : Nari Jagat
Date of Broadcast : 29.11.1999
Time of Broadcast : 31.11.1999
Recording date and time : 29.11.1999, 3 P. M.
Duration : 15 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio,Hisar
Topic of talk : Hari patedaar sabjiyan---kuchhjaakedaar vaynjan
Programme : Nari Jagat
Date of Broadcast : 16.2.2003
Time of Broadcast : 7 P.M.
Recording date and time : 13.2.2003, 3 P. M.
Duration : 10 minutes
Place of Broadcast : All India Radio,Hisar
31 Years in Research: 14 years in Social Work:
• Feb 1981 – 2012: As a Research Associate in the AICRP scheme of ICAR, Department of Family Resource Management College of Home Science, CCS HAU,Hisar-125001.
• Nov 1991 till date: As Research Officer in Local NGO (Mahila Surksha Samiti, Hisar-125001. for 10 years. As Secretary for 12 years,President of MSS, till date.
• I want to bring social change and upliftment in the lives of weak,
poor and exploited sections.
• I am interested to give literacy to underprivileged girl children and women of extremely poor, socially outcaste community.
• I want to make women economically self reliant.
• I want to create social/organizational awarness amongst
I want to start economic productive activities in “alpaawas grah” for which sanction has been made by the ministry of HRD”, to give vocational training to the destitute women, which would help generate income, and would help these women and their families become economically independent and free from the exploitation..
Presently Secretry of Mahila Surksha Samity, Hisar, Haryana: Member since1996.
Member: National Home Science Associatio, since 1997.
Member :Sexual Harassment Committee ITI for Girls, Hisar: since 2003.
Fluency in everyday, spoken, colloquial Haryanvi, some Punjabi and Gujrati; Basic knowledge of English and Hindi.
Friday, September 30, 2022
हरियाणवी कविता ....
डाभ /कुश / काँस (An evergreen wild weed which has deep roots going down to water level)
हमारे खेत में इतनी थी की जितनी काटो उतनी और उपज आती थी....अब उस टिब्बे को सीधा कर दिया था पर डाभ अब भी बहुतायत में है....
प्रस्तुत है॥
हरियाणवी कविता ....
डाभ /कुश / काँस (An evergreen wild weed which has deep roots going down to water level)
हमारे खेत में इतनी थी की जितनी काटो उतनी और उपज आती थी....अब उस टिब्बे को सीधा कर दिया था पर डाभ अब भी बहुतायत में है....
प्रस्तुत है॥कविता:
डाभ कै म्हारे खेत मैं
मूँग, मोठ लहरावे रे
काचर, सिरटे और मतीरे
धापली कै मन भावै रे
रे देखो टिब्बे तलै कुयकर झूमी बाजरी रे।
बरसे सामण अर भादों
मुल्की बालू रेत रे,
बणठण चाली तीज मनावण
टिब्बे भाजी लाल तीज रे
रे देखो पींग चढ़ावै बिंदणी रे।
होली आई धूम मचान्दी
गूँजें फाग धमाल रे,
भे – भे कीं मारे कोरड़े
देवर करे बेहाल रे,
रे देखो होली में नाच रही क्यूकर गोरी बेलहाज रे।
जोहड़ी में बोले तोते
बागां बोलै मोर रे,
पनघट चाली बिंदणी
कर सोलह सिंणगार रे,
रे देखो पणघट पर बाज रही है रमझोल रे।
खावंद कई आवण की बेल्या
चिड़ी नहावै रेत रे,
आज बटेऊ आवैगा
संदेश देव काग रे
रे देखो डोली पर बोल रहया कागला रे
डाभ कै म्हारे खेत मैं
मूँग, मोठ लहरावे रे
happy writting!!!
Reblogged from previous (December 1, 2015 )blogpost
October was a MEGA, Rehana
October was a MEGA MONTH and needs two mosaics to do it justice. In the first part of the month, I took my family on a mystery tour around Tosham
the place where my ancestors used to live they were descendants of Prithviraj_Chauhan.
When I was a kid, I accompanied my grandmother Sama Kaur on Tosham Kund to bathe in gyaarasiyaa kund on Somavati Amavasya._
I never forget that day as my grandmother shared with me the stories of her past that how their neighbors and relatives stepped in to take care of her when she was left without a mother at a young age. So along with a pious bath I came to know about my grandmaa's past story that made me very close to her. I loved her tooo much.
Lets past to be paaasssssssssssss........
On Somavati Amavasya_this year, I returned to Tosham with my son and my D-in_law, my grand daughter and my niece and I got the same feeling that I did when I visited there with my grandmother forty years ago - the feeling that I was standing on sacred Hill, where My ancestors used to live many…many years ago. In the Haryanvi_ tradition, these sacred spots are known as "local deity", where God's presence can be felt despite the passage of time:
"There is a geography of holy places, the places where the saints have dwelt.... Places whose beauty has been revealed by lives which have been open to God in such a way as to show that this world is not a system closed upon itself. These are places whose power persists through centuries of indifference and neglect to be revealed again when men are ready for it. Places which display the potential holiness of all this earth which man has loved so much yet so much ravaged."
To cut the story short………………….
We started from Hisar, where we pass through cowherds of Rajasthan, I like Tosham. Then we proceeded further north towards another Hill where Barah Dari (prithvi raj ki kachari) is situated. Prithviraj_Chauhan who is fondly rememberd for his valour among old and for his love affair with princess Sanyogita among the teens. My forefathers belong to this clan.
According to the folklore, it is where Rajput king Prithviraj Chauhan use to preside over the court proceedings to pass judgement. Baradary is a mountain of Satvata religion. It has 12 doors of a tomb. It is an approximately 80-meter-high mountain. Tosham wala Pahad - 200-meter-high mountain of Aravali range. You can see full view of near by villages and greenery all around. It has many temples in this some of them are Baba mungipa, Hanuman temple, water fall etc.
History of Tosham dates back to at least 4th century, as evident by the Sanskrit language Tosham rock inscription at Tosham hill. Tosham was under Gupta rule in 4th Century as per the inscription, later it came under Tomars and Chauhan (Prithviraj Chauhan who built the Baradari) Rajput rulers.
It was simply the most superb day and I enjoyed every single flipping minute of it. Just amazing!!!. I’ll never forget a single thing about it.
In the second part we visited Nainital for the kumaonliteraryfestival.My daughter Vipin Chaudhary was speaker for Hindi Poetry, Udaypant moderated the interesting session of Hindi Poetry on Sun, 25 Oct at Aabbotsford ( Abbotsford is located one of the highest points in Nainital and is one of the most distinguished and enchanting stately homes and heritage estates in Kumaon area.)with big name like Geet_Chaturvedi was in the panel.
We met few Of our fav Filmi Duniyaa persons like
Rajat_Kapoor . Had variety of Kumaauain food & other gourmet food. Thank you, #KumaonLitFest for creating a truly experiential literature festival of its kind and treating the writers with so much respect. Specially loved the way the volunteers worked with smile on their faces.
Sharing a few pictures here.
REHANA at play
park on that day
A day in the life, front park., Hinduism, my granddaughter, nainital pics., Rehana, Tosham,leisure time activity.
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Ode to Naturally Cracked
So I have been trying to schedule posts ahead so I can keep up on everything and take on more reviews, and work for my NGO/ MSS,HISAR,HARYANA,INDIA MORE. But I sometimes run out of things to write about. So I recently posted asking for writing prompts. My friend responded with that I should write how great she is….so I thought sure why not!
My friend LITICIYA was like many other people I have come across since I started working my blog. Most ask me how they can get free stuff. Well, I don’t get free stuff, I get sent GIFTS and am expected to do some work for it. LITICIYA asked me how she would get started AN NGO I have many who ask me that and I have helped as best I can. A lot of these people realize how much work is involved and realize they might not have that much time to put in.
LITICIYA was different. LITICIYA did what she always does. She put her heart and soul into making HER work, learning the ropes and improving her writing ability. She started A BLOG.
She has helped me out a ton here, and also been thankful for any help I have given her.
When she found out I was AWAY FROM MY NGO she wanted to help me the best she could. So she joined my team, she has been working her business, and I am very proud of her.
LITICIYA and I parent very differently, and we have very different view on things, but I never feel disrespected when we disagree. Sometimes I know how strongly she feels in the opposite direction, but she always asks me why I do things a different way and is willing to listen. I know I am not going to convince her on some things that what I am doing is what she should be doing, but neither of us is interested in trying to sway the other. It is all about sharing our passions and celebrating our differences.
When I need a shoulder to vent on, she is there. If I want to celebrate, she is there. I am off on a crazy adventure she is there.
The only downside of her rocking her blog is she can’t take on my extra projects now
Have you read her blog? What do you think?
In Haryana traditionally men were never tattooed, but women were freely tattooed
on the face, legs, arms and body. One
dot is made in the centre of the forehead and three on the left nostril and at
the corners of each eye brows in the form of a triangle. All the limbs and the
fingers and toes may also be tattooed, the most common patterns being a peacock
with spread wings, a fish, cuckoo, scorpion, a child’s doll, a sieve, a pattern
of Sīta’s cookroom and representations of all female ornaments.
When I was a kid the girls of my age use to make small tattoo dots on their forehead
in the middle of the chin and on the corners of eyebrows.
I also tried to make some tattoos we(me and my friend sunheri) sewing needle put some black charcoal powder from griddle
on the spot then repeatedly prick the space with hand using needle to mark the tattoo, the process of pricking
and putting the charcoal powder repeated several times. Next day we washed the
tatood space ..Yes they were there .but they fade away after 2-3 years.so that
was the practice used by girls to make tattoo dots on their faces.
My mom used to say that
when we accompany my grandma to the annual
fare we enjoy a lot and girls
used to get tattoos on their body parts.
My mom got her
done when she was only 10 years of age. Another tattoo of
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