Wednesday, October 30, 2019

BG,Waiting for ……..

न हि कश्चित्क्षणमपि जातु तिष्ठत्यकर्मकृत् |
कार्यते ह्यवश: कर्म सर्व: प्रकृतिजैर्गुणै: || 5||
BG 3.5: There is no one who can remain without action even for a moment. Indeed, all beings are compelled to act by their qualities born of material nature (the three guṇas).

Today, my son had an errand to assist with, and I have to go to my sis at jind.
I had spent the morning finishing up yet another motif piece to add to my couch  cover, and so when I was preparing to leave the house, I needed something else to work on.
I grabbed my full complement of hooks and other basic crochet tools, some nylon yarn Saver in the colors orange and aqua  orange  to use for the   tapestary bag/purse  I am making, as well a partial skein of white  yarn from the baroque I wanted to use to make a the very tapestry  bag.
On the drive to the errand, I was able to finish crocheting the motif for couch cover, and once I parked and began the process of waiting, I searched the piece to attach the motif but found it nowhere in the bags in car, then I crocheted two round to the motif to convert it into the coaster and used one of my   bent-tipped needles to weave in the ends.

I didn’t count how many motifs are required for the   crochet couch cover.
Thinking that the waiting wouldn’t be more than 40 minutes, I decided to begin work on my second motif  of the day with the white thread   that was in my bag. I continued to wait and to work, and before I knew it the second motif  was done.

Then I decided to make a big center table mat out of these motifs
Seven  motifs needed for the center table mat.
Bent-tipped needle in hand, in short order, I had the ends of the mat woven in.

Two motifs  for my awesome center table mat-to-be
With two of the motifs for my center table mat -to-be completed, I wondered if I had time to start on the third (and final) crochet task I had brought with me. As it turned out, my waiting was no where near done, so my decision to get out my J hook and get to work on a orange crochet stash bag, ended up being a good one, and before sunset, I had gotten this far:

I finish the bottom of yet another stash bag
My waiting today was, by most measures, more fruitful than that of  Mahabharata characters, Krishna and Arjuna, and I am grateful to have a vocation like crochet that allows me to fill unexpected moments with purpose they might not otherwise have.


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