Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. - William Morris
Friday, September 30, 2022
हरियाणवी कविता ....
डाभ /कुश / काँस (An evergreen wild weed which has deep roots going down to water level)
हमारे खेत में इतनी थी की जितनी काटो उतनी और उपज आती थी....अब उस टिब्बे को सीधा कर दिया था पर डाभ अब भी बहुतायत में है....
प्रस्तुत है॥
हरियाणवी कविता ....
डाभ /कुश / काँस (An evergreen wild weed which has deep roots going down to water level)
हमारे खेत में इतनी थी की जितनी काटो उतनी और उपज आती थी....अब उस टिब्बे को सीधा कर दिया था पर डाभ अब भी बहुतायत में है....
प्रस्तुत है॥कविता:
डाभ कै म्हारे खेत मैं
मूँग, मोठ लहरावे रे
काचर, सिरटे और मतीरे
धापली कै मन भावै रे
रे देखो टिब्बे तलै कुयकर झूमी बाजरी रे।
बरसे सामण अर भादों
मुल्की बालू रेत रे,
बणठण चाली तीज मनावण
टिब्बे भाजी लाल तीज रे
रे देखो पींग चढ़ावै बिंदणी रे।
होली आई धूम मचान्दी
गूँजें फाग धमाल रे,
भे – भे कीं मारे कोरड़े
देवर करे बेहाल रे,
रे देखो होली में नाच रही क्यूकर गोरी बेलहाज रे।
जोहड़ी में बोले तोते
बागां बोलै मोर रे,
पनघट चाली बिंदणी
कर सोलह सिंणगार रे,
रे देखो पणघट पर बाज रही है रमझोल रे।
खावंद कई आवण की बेल्या
चिड़ी नहावै रेत रे,
आज बटेऊ आवैगा
संदेश देव काग रे
रे देखो डोली पर बोल रहया कागला रे
डाभ कै म्हारे खेत मैं
मूँग, मोठ लहरावे रे
happy writting!!!
Reblogged from previous (December 1, 2015 )blogpost
October was a MEGA, Rehana
October was a MEGA MONTH and needs two mosaics to do it justice. In the first part of the month, I took my family on a mystery tour around Tosham
the place where my ancestors used to live they were descendants of Prithviraj_Chauhan.
When I was a kid, I accompanied my grandmother Sama Kaur on Tosham Kund to bathe in gyaarasiyaa kund on Somavati Amavasya._
I never forget that day as my grandmother shared with me the stories of her past that how their neighbors and relatives stepped in to take care of her when she was left without a mother at a young age. So along with a pious bath I came to know about my grandmaa's past story that made me very close to her. I loved her tooo much.
Lets past to be paaasssssssssssss........
On Somavati Amavasya_this year, I returned to Tosham with my son and my D-in_law, my grand daughter and my niece and I got the same feeling that I did when I visited there with my grandmother forty years ago - the feeling that I was standing on sacred Hill, where My ancestors used to live many…many years ago. In the Haryanvi_ tradition, these sacred spots are known as "local deity", where God's presence can be felt despite the passage of time:
"There is a geography of holy places, the places where the saints have dwelt.... Places whose beauty has been revealed by lives which have been open to God in such a way as to show that this world is not a system closed upon itself. These are places whose power persists through centuries of indifference and neglect to be revealed again when men are ready for it. Places which display the potential holiness of all this earth which man has loved so much yet so much ravaged."
To cut the story short………………….
We started from Hisar, where we pass through cowherds of Rajasthan, I like Tosham. Then we proceeded further north towards another Hill where Barah Dari (prithvi raj ki kachari) is situated. Prithviraj_Chauhan who is fondly rememberd for his valour among old and for his love affair with princess Sanyogita among the teens. My forefathers belong to this clan.
According to the folklore, it is where Rajput king Prithviraj Chauhan use to preside over the court proceedings to pass judgement. Baradary is a mountain of Satvata religion. It has 12 doors of a tomb. It is an approximately 80-meter-high mountain. Tosham wala Pahad - 200-meter-high mountain of Aravali range. You can see full view of near by villages and greenery all around. It has many temples in this some of them are Baba mungipa, Hanuman temple, water fall etc.
History of Tosham dates back to at least 4th century, as evident by the Sanskrit language Tosham rock inscription at Tosham hill. Tosham was under Gupta rule in 4th Century as per the inscription, later it came under Tomars and Chauhan (Prithviraj Chauhan who built the Baradari) Rajput rulers.
It was simply the most superb day and I enjoyed every single flipping minute of it. Just amazing!!!. I’ll never forget a single thing about it.
In the second part we visited Nainital for the kumaonliteraryfestival.My daughter Vipin Chaudhary was speaker for Hindi Poetry, Udaypant moderated the interesting session of Hindi Poetry on Sun, 25 Oct at Aabbotsford ( Abbotsford is located one of the highest points in Nainital and is one of the most distinguished and enchanting stately homes and heritage estates in Kumaon area.)with big name like Geet_Chaturvedi was in the panel.
We met few Of our fav Filmi Duniyaa persons like
Rajat_Kapoor . Had variety of Kumaauain food & other gourmet food. Thank you, #KumaonLitFest for creating a truly experiential literature festival of its kind and treating the writers with so much respect. Specially loved the way the volunteers worked with smile on their faces.
Sharing a few pictures here.
REHANA at play
park on that day
A day in the life, front park., Hinduism, my granddaughter, nainital pics., Rehana, Tosham,leisure time activity.
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Ode to Naturally Cracked
So I have been trying to schedule posts ahead so I can keep up on everything and take on more reviews, and work for my NGO/ MSS,HISAR,HARYANA,INDIA MORE. But I sometimes run out of things to write about. So I recently posted asking for writing prompts. My friend responded with that I should write how great she is….so I thought sure why not!
My friend LITICIYA was like many other people I have come across since I started working my blog. Most ask me how they can get free stuff. Well, I don’t get free stuff, I get sent GIFTS and am expected to do some work for it. LITICIYA asked me how she would get started AN NGO I have many who ask me that and I have helped as best I can. A lot of these people realize how much work is involved and realize they might not have that much time to put in.
LITICIYA was different. LITICIYA did what she always does. She put her heart and soul into making HER work, learning the ropes and improving her writing ability. She started A BLOG.
She has helped me out a ton here, and also been thankful for any help I have given her.
When she found out I was AWAY FROM MY NGO she wanted to help me the best she could. So she joined my team, she has been working her business, and I am very proud of her.
LITICIYA and I parent very differently, and we have very different view on things, but I never feel disrespected when we disagree. Sometimes I know how strongly she feels in the opposite direction, but she always asks me why I do things a different way and is willing to listen. I know I am not going to convince her on some things that what I am doing is what she should be doing, but neither of us is interested in trying to sway the other. It is all about sharing our passions and celebrating our differences.
When I need a shoulder to vent on, she is there. If I want to celebrate, she is there. I am off on a crazy adventure she is there.
The only downside of her rocking her blog is she can’t take on my extra projects now
Have you read her blog? What do you think?
In Haryana traditionally men were never tattooed, but women were freely tattooed
on the face, legs, arms and body. One
dot is made in the centre of the forehead and three on the left nostril and at
the corners of each eye brows in the form of a triangle. All the limbs and the
fingers and toes may also be tattooed, the most common patterns being a peacock
with spread wings, a fish, cuckoo, scorpion, a child’s doll, a sieve, a pattern
of Sīta’s cookroom and representations of all female ornaments.
When I was a kid the girls of my age use to make small tattoo dots on their forehead
in the middle of the chin and on the corners of eyebrows.
I also tried to make some tattoos we(me and my friend sunheri) sewing needle put some black charcoal powder from griddle
on the spot then repeatedly prick the space with hand using needle to mark the tattoo, the process of pricking
and putting the charcoal powder repeated several times. Next day we washed the
tatood space ..Yes they were there .but they fade away after 2-3 years.so that
was the practice used by girls to make tattoo dots on their faces.
My mom used to say that
when we accompany my grandma to the annual
fare we enjoy a lot and girls
used to get tattoos on their body parts.
My mom got her
done when she was only 10 years of age. Another tattoo of
reblogged from this blog/ published on 9/29/22 4:07 AM/WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2022
सचमुच अलग माँ
सचमुच कुछ अलग थीं ओबामा जीकी माँ
पढना बहुत भाता है, पर यहकहानी मेंने बार-बार पढी है।
at last my inspirational Blog of the Day!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Weather at my place- furious wind out of what looks like
clear blue sky and suddenly clouds boil up like a
children's movie or a bad 80's video. Wind comes from
all directions and the birds all shut up.
It’s raining every now and then since 2-3 days back.
Lately, I have heard many Haryanvi say that this is one of
the longest rainy season they have ever experienced in this area since long.
Today’s Morning
I woke up at 5:30 in the morning, opened the lock of the door, looked outside, there was no one in the park in front of my house. The park was full of water.
I didn’t’ dare to go for my morning walk I roasted some garam masala ingredients it filled the house with pleasant aroma. And set them aside to cool…I will grind them into a powder at night after dinner..
Then I went towards Ekta Park, where it looked like a pond. Came back and sat on the PC.
Then got up, drank some cold water, prepared my tea. It looks cloudy for much of the district for several days to come. But when I look now, it's actually not that bad. I came out see both blue sky and sun through papri tree !
Then just enjoy it while it's still like that…
I took some photos with my phone's camera, my baby Son (he is still a baby to his age)and my daughter too is still like a tyranny girl (When she gets very angry, she starts breaking expensive antiques of my ancestors that were in my father’s possession and gifted to me, in the house ) enjoying their dreamland . I will upload them in the post later on.
Have a nice day with tea in front of PC:-)
Happy writing!
Reblogged from https://haqeeqat-e-bayan.blogspot.com/2009/
कम खर्च में कुछ पोष्टिक व्यंजन बनाएं
पोष्टिक बर्फी
Wheat flour 150 gms
Bean 75 gms
Ground nuts 100 gms
Til 50 gms Gur ( jaggery ) 200 gms
Ghee 150 gms
Method : Roast wheat flour and besan in ghee till flavour comes.
Add gur and mix well, then add roasted til and roasted powdered
ground nuts mix well and remove it from the fire. Spread it on a
greased plate and on cooling cut it into pieces.
Methi Muthia
Methi 100 gms Wheat flour 150 gms
Besan 50 gms Oil
& mustard seeds 50 ml Salt, red chilli powder, haldi and dhania
jeera powder to taste.
Method : Chop methi and mix wheat flour
besan and all the masala to wheat then
add two tea spoon of foil
and a little water and make a dough.
Then prepare out of the dough.
Steam them and cool them. Then cut in to pieces.
Temper with remaining oil and mustard seeds.
Palak Pakoras
Palak 100 gms
Chanadal 150 gms
Bread 25 gms Onion, coriander leaves, green chillies,
salt, garam masala, haldi powder, to taste.
Method : Soak chana dal for 3-4 hours or cook it partially.
Wash and cut palak and steam it for 3-4 minutes (without water).
Soak the bread in water and squeeze it, chop the green chillies,
coriander leaves and onion, grind together palak, bread and chana
dal. Add the onion and the masala and form it into shape of pakoras.
Shallow fry on tawa with sufficient oil.
Methi Balls
Methi (Fenugreek ) 100 gms
Besan 200 gms
Oil 40 ml Salt, red chilli powder, haldi powder
and sugar to taste, jeera fpr tempering.
Method: Cut methi, mix besan and all other ingredients
except jeera and two teaspoon of oil. Make balls of
the mixture. Heat two tea spoon of oil in a vessel
add jeera and then the balls. Cook it till the balls
turn slightly reddish in colour.
its nostelgic moment isnt,it!!!
I crocheted this dress for my daughter when she was 12 years old.
Research study in CCSHAU, FARM by NGO Mahila Surakshaa Samiti Hisar.
ह कृ वि के फ़ार्म से आसपास बसे गांवों,झुग्गियों और हिसार शहर की महिलाएं अपने दूध देने वाले पशुओं के लिए पूरे वर्ष चारा काट कर लाती हैं। अतः महिला सुरक्षा समिति हिसार की रिसर्च विंग ने वर्ष 2009 में उन महिलाओं पर "Ergonomic evaluation of the collection of fodder ....." शोध किया ....
A study was undertaken for ergonomic evaluation of the collection of fodder which is drudgerious activity among all the cattle care activities. Women involved in the collection of fodder were tested for their physical fitness with the help of step-test. Twenty physically fit women were selected for the study. A woman collects head load of 46 kg fodder, spends an average of 3 hours daily, revels 3.7 km, at the speed of 2.7 km/hr, per day for collection and bringing fodder for their stall fed cattle. Physiological stress was measured in terms of heart rate and energy expenditure. It was observed that both heart rate and energy expenditure increases as the temperature of the day advances, again with the increase in the workload ( during cutting and backward journey with head load ) both the heart rate and energy expenditure increases, like was these are increasing with age. Physiological cost of work in terms of total cardiac cost of work (TCCW) increases with the age. Bio-mechanical assessment shows that bending posture was adopted for maximum time while cutting fodder. Spinal curvature at cervical and lumber region were work out and it was found that during cutting percentage deviation in the cervical region from the normal posture was determined to be 2.82% and 0.98 % during cutting fodder. Again percentage deviation in lumber region was maximum during fodder cutting and backward journey (22.7 % and 20.7 %). Musculo skeletal problems were asked in terms of body ache and it was reported by the respondents that because of doing this activity they experience severe pain in calf muscles, thighs and shoulders. Sever to moderate pain was also observed in neck, palm, fingers & lower extremities by the respondents. Seeing the hardships of women while collecting and bringing fodder, it is very necessary to develop efficient tools for cutting fodder. Head load causes extra strain on the back bone of the women, this practice should be avoided and some other means should be adopted to carry the load for long distances. Women should be trained for proper posture while doing their different activities of cattle care, to preserve their physique.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Their knowledge about the world was up to date and both of them had/have the interest in all walks of life.
Their words were so mystic that I never dared to draw their pictures on Dinning.
My father had Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana and many more books on his table.
Then his disciplined style of life from following his regular diet upto his night prayers. “ Early to bed and early to rise Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. My father was a very good example for this saying.
On Sarva Pitru Amavasya, remembering Ancestors and others in heavan
Arya Samaj
Death is a universalphenomenon, and all creatures who are born, are bound to die sometime or the... The Upanishads believe in thedoctrine of rebirth. When my grand daughter was only 10 months old,Irealized that she is incarnation of my father. At night, when thewatchman used to play the whistle, she used to get up from her sleep.( my father was IAF Police officer, whose dress has a pistol and whistle)further she loved to play whistle.
When she learned to speak, I several time heard from her mouth that “I am nana”. ..now she tells nothing about my father Dayanad Sarsvati God cannot set aside the natural law of justice that men arejudged according to their deeds. Even the gods are governed by karma. When 'karma matter' is once produced it is 'discharged' fromthe soul. This purging process is called nirjara. After death the soul alongwith the karmic body goes to find a new body. Even elements like earth, water,air and fire are believed to have souls.
Friday, September 23, 2022
Shradha of my MOM
I was reading back through my very early blog post the other day, the ones that I wrote in MAY 13,2017 , only 5 year,s ago on mother,s day.
It reads …..
“The woman who creates and sustains a home and under whose hands children grow up to be strong and pure men and women is a creator second only to God.” — Helen Hunt Jackson
It’s been three years since she died of heart failure. She was 78 years old and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her, but I suspect that when it comes to our mothers we are never ready to give them up. There are many things I miss about mom, but what I miss the most is sharing my children with her.
Mom at 76 years of age
Some of my best memories of her are of watching her become a grandmother. She absolutely loved my children beyond measure. She spoiled them with trips to her father’s garden(in village Paposa, near Jamalpur, Bhiwani )
on horse and she loved to take them to our farms. Still my children are very fond of visiting farms whenever they find any opportunity.
My mom lost her own mom (Rampyari of village Dangra near Tohana)
at the age of 11,
she always remembers her mom and told us about her lifestyle and habits that were excellent. There are a thousand things about my mom to remember.
My mother was very fond of working in farms. She often used to remember to her trip to her father’s farm( in village KUTUBPUR KI DHANI)on a horse when she was only 11. On that day she was going to fields to give food to the laborers working on their farm. When she was riding on the back of the horse he became a tyranny and rushed fast dropping my mother on the ground. She became unconscious but luckily there was not any injury to her body. After that day my mother hated to ride on horse’s back.
I love my mom and feel sorry for her when sometimes I used to tell her harsh words. Mom, please pardon me for my words that may heart you.
Although my mom passed away 4 years ago I still think about her almost every day.
I loved my mom and appreciate her complete commitment to mothering. The things we shared in common were teaching our children to be inquisitive learners, to be resilient and to love our children unconditionally. Thanks, Mom, for everything!
mom at 22 years of age
and then ….
Nostalgic moments
I like to start with JAMNAGAR,GUJRAT Hindi High school when we used to wait for the school lunch bell to ring and then rush to our lunch boxes for the food from home prepared by mom. We used to play games with our buddies to find out what was packed in those beautiful boxes with just a tantalizing hint of the scent wafting through them. Opening the lids and finishing not just our lunch but the food of our classmates was a different kind of joy altogether. I often remember the tiffin of my friend Khalida. Her mother was a great cook, she always put a variety of food stuff in her, daughter’s box, although her house was just stone’s through from school but Khalida used to sit and eat with her friends and class mates.
Then came those days when we used to go home once in a while during our vacations from college and not just ask, but demand the dishes that we wanted and our mom used to lovingly cook them, indeed going that extra mile and cooking for us those favorites that even we had forgotten. Burgers, pizzas, gourmet food from up class restaurants and the bland tasteless food of messes and canteens were forgotten as soon as hot, missi rotties, bajra rotties , fluffy phulkas, parathas, dal and sabzi warmed our bellies. Not to forget that we used to shamelessly and even gleefully ask our mom to feed us and she used to do it, despite having toiled for hours in the kitchen and in the agricultural field.
And then came the service era, we sit in our offices, our cubicles hunched in front of our laptops, files and portfolios wondering which new restaurant or cafe we are going to try out today we can’t help but feel a nostalgia tinged with a sadness, missing our mom and wishing that she were with us to calm us, pace us and always be there with her love, solidarity and rock-hard strength.
When I retired the time came my mom accompany to live with me till she went off to my father in heaven, but don’t know why she never cooked even once , instead she used to chop vegetables and peel lahsuns etc.etc……
There are some things in life which we express easily and there are some which we never speak out like your love towards your mom. It feels very awkward to say ‘Thank you, mom for everything’. But once in a while you have to do it, because deep down we know that these five words barely skim the tip of the iceberg that is the respect, awe, gratitude and love we feel for our mom. I love you mom.
Then I went back to find Sturdy Rug I ever wrote about, and once I was re-living my memories I carried on reading through a whole chunk of my early all India, and arid-zone living that I shared in my Blogland.
It was fascinating, honestly, to see how my writing style has changed over time- in my head I haven’t changed the way I write at all, but reading back I see that my written voice has definitely altered with age and experience.
One thing that really struck me was how massively my word count has increased as the years have passed. In the early years of my blog I pretty much posted daily Monday- Friday but my posts( in my other several other blogs) were often super short with just a couple of photos and a few paragraphs of blurb. It made me ponder on which style makes for better reading- longer, chatty posts published less frequently, or short blog entries posted four or five times a week? Which do you prefer? I think I really like a mixture of the two, and that's because I like to keep my posts spontaneous and true to how I'm feeling at the time.
Some pics of my non conventional house
Another view of the new doorway with the final coats of paint and the new marble flooring (Summer 2007).
My island kitchen
Anyhow, that's what's been on my mind of late, in case you were wondering. And in other news, I've got fresh flowers from my front yard potted plants on my table again and they are giving me all the happy, joyous feels, I absolutely adore red Jtropa and pin- wheel white flowers .
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